
All kidding aside, Navarre, I truly believe if you have to ask, I don't think you should get one. Tats are very personal things and should come from within. I've seen so many people go to a parlor, look around, see something they like, get it, like it for a short while and regret it for the next 50 years. When "yours" appears to you, you'll know it. Just my .02
I don't entirely disagree, Gemini. But I know I want the phoenix, I was just asking for other ideas.

I guess what I was really looking for were various phoenix designs. As you said, I'd know it if I saw it.

Here is the logo for my system:


I designed it. While it's fine for gis and jackets and such, I envisioned something more dynamic and, well, cool for my tatt.

Maybe some artistic type here could create a variant of it?
I'm sure Bob will read this. It would be great if he or someone else had some ideas.

I had thought of a design where the phoenix looks more like a real hawk or eagle except that the feathers are composed of fire. It was flying toward the viewer in attack mode. The yin-yang was held between its claws and written inside the yin-yang in kanji were the symbols for "rising spirit".

My wife thought it was "too much", especially for my shoulder. I dunno.
Navarre said:
I'm sure Bob will read this. It would be great if he or someone else had some ideas.

I had thought of a design where the phoenix looks more like a real hawk or eagle except that the feathers are composed of fire. It was flying toward the viewer in attach mode. The yin-yang was held between its claws and written inside the yin-yang in kanji were the symbols for "rising spirit".

My wife thought it was "too much", especially for my shoulder. I dunno.
Actually I think that sounds pretty cool. Have you decided on a tattoo artist yet? You could ask his/her opinion of the design working as a tattoo. You can also do a search for various phoenix pics that you like the style of and bring them to the tattoo artist so he can get an idea of what you like and ask him to design something for you...
I've searched around on the web butI haven't found the right thing yet. I don't know about the artists yet either.

I will be having it done where my sister-in-law goes to college, which is about 6 hrs from here, so I don't know anyone. If she finds someone in advance though, I'll check with them and see what they might be able to do.

I had also thought of a simpler, more composite design. It was a yin-yang where the yang melded into fire, rising into a phoenix's head looking sideways. The yin was just a border outline but the "rising spirit" kanji was written inside of it.

The whole design was more concise and smaller than the other. Like I said, I kinda have some ideas but I am looking for variances and opinions.
I haven't a clue as to how much a tattoo costs. I'm interested in a more detailed version of my avatar on my deltoid, no larger than 3" x 4". What is a reasonable fee for a custom piece like this?
I paid about $150 US for mine. I actually ended up at a higher priced place based on their reputation, cleanliness and quality of work. I'll ballpark you $100 on the cost, but definately get several opinions, and don't base the decision solely on price.
Be certain to check the place out, watch them work if possible, be certain everything (and I do mean it) is sterile, hell, ask to see their autoclave inspection records. :)
Bob, you paid $150 for that anime tat???? Damn good price if you ask me!!!

Painless Rick charges $120 per hour, $50 minimum.
Heh. He underestimated the time, but I gave him a $20 tip as well.
I'm going back for some touchups later this month and getting my second, once I decide on what I want.
Let's say I get a tattoo that is black and red on my shoulder. Approximately how often would I need to retouch it for it to look decent? Are there any special considerations when retouching? What is the ballpark price for touchups, or are they free depending on the tatt?
How often you need to get it retouched depends a lot on your skin and how often you have your shirt off. Sun fades ink.

Touchups often cost as much as the original design as they have to go over the whole piece.

Usually, the only free touchup is a quick polish just after its healed.
Thanks, Rutherford. Let's say a pale dude like me who wears his shirt all the time has a red tatt on his shoulder..How often do you think it might need touched up?
Navarre said:
Thanks, Rutherford. Let's say a pale dude like me who wears his shirt all the time has a red tatt on his shoulder..How often do you think it might need touched up?

Never, if you care for it, and it is done well.
- Always slap on some good sunscreen, even in cooler weather.
- Every so often, hit it with some moisterizer, especially in winter as teh air is dry.
- Drink enough water to stay hydrated. Keeps your skin healthy.

As Lobo said, if it's done well, and you take care of it it should last.
Thanx for the tips, guys. Now, as soon as I can decide on the design or my sister-in-law designs something I like, I'm in business.
Bob Hubbard said:
My prefered one is this one...though I'd like the waistline modified a bit.
I've got quotes of 1-2 sessions, 2-4 hours, and $120-$400+ for a bicep piece.
Lol I gotta bikini that looks like that!( Bob's pic on page 12) Anywho, I haven't got a tatt yet, mainly due to me being a chicken. I am, someday, going to pluck up the courage to get Bruce Lee's name in Chinese konji on my left shoulder blade. Depending on how much that hurts, others might follow. I'd like a Tigger on my ankle and a crane (I'm a crane type fighter) on my lower back. I might get a sai somewhere but not sure bout that one yet.

My avatar pic is an early design for a tattoo I'm soon to get. It is the beginning of a tattoo that will be added onto later in life with color, symbols, and extra art. It is a three way yin-yang to show the balance between body, mind, and spirit that I hope to one day attain. Since I have not yet attained peak status in any of those qualities then it may stay blank until I do which might be forever.

I also had a dream last night that inspired me to get two more tattoos, but those will require some more careful consideration.
The caption would read, "I told you to help prevent forest fires!! Now Smokey's gonna f#@k you up!"

Great tatt!