From the day I started combat style handgun shooting, use of the front site was drilled into me. Thousands of rounds in civilian shooting and many more once I was in the Army put focus on the front site securely, I thought, in my mind and body. However, when I was actually in close combat (25 meters and less), my focus was almost entirely on the target. Everything else was as I trained. My stance wasn't perfect of course, but it was roughly there. Two handed grip with the pistol brought up to eye level. But no focus on the front site. Fortunately, it worked. Gave me a lot of food for thought. Before I was in the army, I wen't to M. Ayoobs LFI. While I was in the army I went to Thunder Ranch. Both of them are strong proponents of always sighted fire. Now I'm not saying that what I did was better, just that's what ended up working for me in spite of previous training and practice.
What are your thoughts on the matter?
What are your thoughts on the matter?