a friend of mine broke his flatmates arm because he didnt tap once (not sure if he ment to) we found out later that the guy didnt tap becuase he didnt know what 'tapping' was.lol
But yeah it depends on what lock i have,If im choking someone then he can tap all he wants, I'll let go when he passes out,in all honesty I wouldnt be doing armlocks and stuff like that in a streetfight...............unless I wanted to break the armbut then it would happen to quick of him to think of tapping,just snap and walk away.
But yeah it depends on what lock i have,If im choking someone then he can tap all he wants, I'll let go when he passes out,in all honesty I wouldnt be doing armlocks and stuff like that in a streetfight...............unless I wanted to break the armbut then it would happen to quick of him to think of tapping,just snap and walk away.