Tapping out in a real street fight? will it end here?

still learning

Senior Master
Nov 8, 2004
Reaction score
Hello, Grappling is the fastest growing and very popular in the world of the martial arts. Everyone talks about fights ending on the ground.

Now in a real fight...someone taps out? Do you feel that person will end the fight or use it to get out and pound you when you let go?

If someone stops hitting me...now my chance to attack back? That is why guys from rough neighborhoods keep on hitting you? ..till you cannot move anymore...if they let you go early in the fight...you may fight some more...,(talk to guys with experience).

Will you give up..if tap out? ...in a real street fight?

In a street fight? No. It's over when someone stops getting up or runs away.
On the street? No. No tap outs, no time outs, no referees, no cute ring girls...

well, there might be cute ring girls. ;)
Tapping is for training. With SD and grappling the end result is unconsciousness, broken limbs, and/or getting pounded from superior position.

In the street tapping out ususly will not work because after you let him go he may pick something up and hit you with it
In many fights, I've never seen a tap out. I have seen someone kind of give up, with the "victor" getting off or stopping, and then getting punished for their mistake. Ground and Pound until the fight is over.
Ground and Pound until the fight is over

Can I get this embroidered on a pillow?:)
IcemanSK said:
Ground and Pound until the fight is over

Can I get this embroidered on a pillow?:)

I'll do you that on a nice T Shirt [see my site...] LOL ;)
It's an interesting question but at the same time, I'd say that anyone tapping out in a real fight needs to tune into what's actually going down. As has been stated, would we really expect to rely on the mercy, fairness or "rules" adherance of our opponent? Would we suddenly appeal on the pavement to his or her better nature? It's like asking an opponent to suddenly switch off their desire to destroy you. Keep fighting I say.

I'd actually doubt under fight conditions that tapping out would occupy any place in one's mind - generally there's simply too great a level of adrenaline and endorphins to fully appreciate the imminent danger to joints etc. I mean, how often have you fought and only realized the damage once the safe distance has been reached? The ONLY consideration in the melee is to put the opponent down, ceasefires seldom become considerations, I'd say.

Likewise, having a real world opponent -who let's face it, if push has come to shove, it's not training- but having them tap out would encourage me personally to crank on that lock a bit more strongly. "Yeah? Not so clever now, eh?"

The only reason I can see for anyone to attempt a tap-out to end a fight would be to try to generate a "wtf" response and a momentary distraction in the mind of the opponent. Unorthodox... and I'd still doubt it'd work.


Hand Sword said:
I remember being in and seeing those kind of encounters, where the victim was pleading. It was always met with amusement (lot's of laughing after), and more brutality.
Ya I recall seeing that a few times myself. A fight that I started (first punches) ended up with the guy falling to the ground and holding his hands up and basically too scared to articulate anything... but his eyes told me he had quite enough... so I stopped and even helped him back up so that we could resolve our problem peacefully like I wanted to in the first place.
On the street I've seen people "tap-out" by pleading and begging to stop. It all depended on how pissed off the "victor" was to start with. Some guys don't know how to stop because they're venting their anger and they'll be damned if they're going to stop because the other guy (they're venting to) has had enough. Usually the someone with the soft heart (a witness or a friend of the victor) is going to pull the "victor" off and find the right combination of words to stop the beating. If it's just them two... well :idunno:
IMO, people that get back up to try to win a fight that they already lost are stupid and basically just asking for it.
Of the fights that I lost I knew I was beat and didn't ask for more. Fortunately I've yet to have a guy that kept on beating me even though it was clear that he's won. I do feel sorry for those who happened to get into an altercation with people who were no more than animals and are losing.
But the ones who are stubborn and keep getting back up... stupid, not brave... just stupid. Of course... circumstances may justify in getting back up... like in defense of someone else who cannot defend themselves (adequately).
Now that may still be stupid, or it may be noble, but to me... it's honorable.
When i think of some of the incredibly painful locks I've been in in the past where tapping out is almost involuntarily done as it just hurts so much, the idea of being in one of those positions and somebody laughing and putting it on some more is horrendous!
I'll just have to hope I never fight a highly skilled but sadistic and twisted MA instructor!