Tales of The "Goldendragon!"

  • Thread starter Thread starter RCastillo
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Goldendragon7 said:
But then my agents would ask him to produce his "green card"!


Worse than that, me ,and an elderly lady were roughed up at the airport in Phoenix! :boxing:
RCastillo said:
Worse than that, me ,and an elderly lady were roughed up at the airport in Phoenix! :boxing:

My FBI sources thought you were KGB double agents..... until I told them my limo was waiting for you..... (the old lady was just toooooo close to you)!

As heard on Paul Harvey News today:

Men in Phoenix are considered to be kind, generous, and repectful gentlemen, but put them behind the wheel of the car, and LOOK OUT!

I've tried to tell you folks here at MT, and now I have concrete proof. So when you ride with him, you put yourself on the "Endangered Species List.

Good Luck! :angel:
RCastillo said:
As heard on Paul Harvey News today:
Men in Phoenix are considered to be kind, generous, and repectful gentlemen, but put them behind the wheel of the car, and LOOK OUT!
I've tried to tell you folks here at MT, and now I have concrete proof. So when you ride with him, you put yourself on the "Endangered Species List.
Good Luck! :angel:

Oh goodness......... That's why I use the LIMO!

and besides...... we do have functional seatbelts, front and rear airbags as well as the human ones from Corpus Christi...... :uhyeah:
Goldendragon7 said:
Oh goodness......... That's why I use the LIMO!

and besides...... we do have functional seatbelts, front and rear airbags as well as the human ones from Corpus Christi...... :uhyeah:

Airbag, huh? I expected as much. :(
{crickets chirping}

Have you noticed how quiet its been around here the last few days???? Somethings missing .......
I don't feel the usual hot air floating around, do you? :idunno:

Hey Wait!! :idea: I know what it is. Where the heck is the GoldenDragon? :eek:

Well it's been said the GoldenDragon's presence can be ........ overwhelming to say the least. ;)
Seems his computer couldn't handle the strain, because it blew a perverbial gasket.

Yes that's right the GoldenDragon is out of cybercommission for at least 3 or 4 days. I truely hope everyone can handle the strain. :rolleyes:

So what's the big picture? What does this mean? :uhoh:

{in best Elmer Fudd voice}
It's Dwagon Season!!!
The dragon is weak and unable to defend himself.
Have at it boys, take your best shot. :boing2:


P.S. all joking aside, GD said his computer may be down but his phone lines aren't so feel free to give him a call.
But, remember ...... you don't know me, you haven't seem me or this post. ;) :lol:

Not a single responce, or jab??? :dunno:

I guess this is a testiment to how well the goldendragon is respected ....... or feared. :EG:


He's gonna love it. :lol:

KenpoGirl said:

Not a single responce, or jab??? :dunno:

I guess this is a testiment to how well the goldendragon is respected ....... or feared. :EG:


He's gonna love it. :lol:


The last time I said something, my house got raided! :eek:
I live in Hawaii and I Fear oops I mean respect the wing span of the dragon. I am most positive he can breath a fire ball all the way across the pacific. Just remember he who hesitates meditates... This wasn't hesitation this was just laying low.

I can't believe his computer is still down. It sure is quei around here....

Is any one there? Maybe this is the tie for a preemtive strike.

Now you listen here Golden..Dr.. Um No wait.

I'll teach that GoldenDrag.... um no thats not it

Maybe I should just get back to the mat and train before I try something stupid like this.

Its pretty scary in here. :lol:
Better be careful, I hear he's getting his computer back today.

He'll be back taking up space in no time. (that's computer space, honest ;) )

Rick Wade said:
I can't believe his computer is still down. It sure is quei around here....

Is any one there? Maybe this is the tie for a preemtive strike.

Now you listen here Golden..Dr.. Um No wait.

I'll teach that GoldenDrag.... um no thats not it

Maybe I should just get back to the mat and train before I try something stupid like this.

Its pretty scary in here. :lol:

If you get a Sunami, you know where it came from, sunny Arizona! :toilclaw:
RCastillo said:
If you get a Sunami, you know where it came from, sunny Arizona! :toilclaw:

Hey that Sunami is no laughing matter there are only two things that scare Hawaii, Sunamis and Volcano Eruptions. Those are the only natural disasters we have.

So you don't run out of things to worry about, they now have "Teenage Chain Gangs" in Arizona in Sheriff Joe Arpiao's jail. (Good friend of the Dragon)

They also do the job of burying paupers in the county cemetery.

Talk about OJT .

Probably gave the Sheriff those ideas! :uhyeah:
RCastillo said:
So you don't run out of things to worry about, they now have "Teenage Chain Gangs" in Arizona in Sheriff Joe Arpiao's jail. (Good friend of the Dragon)

They also do the job of burying paupers in the county cemetery.

Talk about OJT .

Probably gave the Sheriff those ideas! :uhyeah:

That makes the chain gangs in Alabama look like spring break!
Rick Wade said:
Is the Dragon building his own computer? What the heck it shure is quiet in here.

I think he's building his own "dirty bomb" out there in the desert. Plenty of room to play with out there. :uhyeah:
KenpoGirl said:
OH OH ...... HE'S BAAAAAAAAAACK!!! :anic:

And if he isn't remember, he will be at my house and have access to a computer 24 hours before you get here...........

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