I gather some people don't like robust opinions. As someone else posted up here martial arts people tend to be Type As so on MT you will gt strong opinions and the people that hold them tend to be outgoing, not shrinking violets. I live in Yorkshire where plain speaking is valued, i'm also used to the military way of saying what you mean without dressing it up, I do speak plainly and I will put my name to my opinions, I'm sorry if people who don't agree take it personally, it isn't meant that. I do dislike people though who like to give their opinion anonymously, it's cowardly but there you are.
this is us and one of my local pubs.
"The residents of the Dales, or Dales Folk, speak plainly and economically. They will not invite you to dinner unless they genuinely mean to extend a real invitation. More often, they will simply not invite you, unless they have gotten to know you over the course of say three or four years.
But trust a Yorkshireman. They mean what they say, on those rare occasions they actually say anything. Ask a question, and you can expect an honest answer, even though the answer will be lacking in embellishment. "
You may not like me, you may not like what I say but I'm honest, I don't play games and I don't hide behind anonymity.