Taking first promotion test!

Thanks, guys and gals. :asian: I did upload the video of the test; shoot me an email if you would like to see it. :)

Anywho...the test itself went well, despite some mild "issues". For starters, I didn't have an uke til that morning. I asked this one 4th kyu three weeks ago if she could be my uke. She agreed at the time, but later backed out, because she hasn't been feeling that well physically. So I asked this other girl (a 5th kyu) last week if she could be my uke. She said "yes". So I thought my uke was set for the test. But then...Friday night, she said that she had other plans on Saturday - which was tomorrow. The night before my test, and I no longer had an uke. That made me freak out a little. She assured me that I shouldn't have a problem finding an uke for the test.

I showed up at the dojo bright and early Saturday morning. Poked my head in (the children's class was still going on) - and only saw black belts. Then I really started to freak out; I was seriously thinking about asking Sensei to delay my test for another week. Fortunately, another mudansha (a 3rd kyu) showed up shortly before class started. I was so happy to see her, and asked to to be my uke - even though she took something of a break from training for a while. She wavered a bit, saying that she was "out of practice", and not only that, hurt her left arm in a biking accident a week ago. She didn't know how well her arm would hold up for ukemi. I assured her that I would go slow and easy with the techniques. She agreed - if no other mudansha showed up.

As it turned out, there were ten people at class that morning - all black belts except myself, Farrah (the 3rd kyu) and Colin (an unranked Aikidoka who is also in my Yagyu class). Since Farrah was hurt, I asked Colin to uke. Colin said he still didn't know any of the Japanese terms and as be totally lost. I couldn't ask any of the black belts, because uke is only supposed to be one or two ranks above you. Not only that, all of the black belts were BIG guys, and I was not about to use someone five times my size for my first test!

So Farrah ended up being my uke. For the most part, the test went well. Farrah hasn't been training for a while, so she got a little confused with some of the Japanese terms ("Aihanmi...nay, that's [SIZE=-1]gyakuhanmi...No, AIHANMI!") I was supposed to do two from the right side and two from the left - one omote (front), one ura (back) each side. I kept on forgetting which side I did the last technique, and I think I did something like three from the right for one of them - oops. Sensei didn't say anything, and just kept on throwing out techniques. He also threw in a [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]kokyunage [/SIZE][SIZE=-1](throw)[/SIZE][SIZE=-1] - [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]which wasn't part of the 5th kyu requirements - at the end of the test. I kinda winged that one, and was told today that I actually elected to do a harder technique than expected. Good "oops", I guess.

I'm just glad to get the first test over and down with. I watched the video of the test with a couple black belts and a couple other mudansha this morning, and they offered me some helpful critique to consider for my next test. It's definitely useful to be able to watch yourself do the techniques, since you can see things you don't necessarily notice during the time. I noticed that I didn't drop down far enough for [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]kotegaeshi, [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]and bent forward way too much. And my footwork was off for some of the techniques. Acceptable for 5th kyu and possibly 4th kyu, but not for the higher kyu ranks. At least I have some time to clean up my stuff before the next test; I'm shooting for either late December or January...hopefully.
Great to hear that your test went well. Congratulations! That's odd to me that you'd be responsible for finding your own uke for the test. At my dojo we normally have no idea who will be uke for our tests and then we normally have a couple of different ones at the same time to see how we handle different energies from different people. Enjoy all the new techniques you'll be getting for the next level.
I thought that you finding your partner was odd as well. In tae kwon do and hapkido tests in my school we always have enough people testing so there is no problem for people having partners.

However, congratulations are in order. The first test as you know is always the hardest. At least you are now familiar with the format for future testing.
As far as I know, we are allowed to pick our uke for 5th and 4th kyu tests (maybe 3rd kyu as well?), as long as uke is at least one kyu rank above - but no more than two. The 2nd and 1st kyu tests require multiple uke, so I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be allowed to be choosey at that point.

In any case, I was grateful to have a choice for my first promotion test. I already work with many bigger people (most everyone is bigger than me - lol), and they will most likely be uke for me in future tests.
Way to go, Jenn! :-partyon:

Glad to hear that everything worked out well... and that you were able to find an Uke!



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