Taking a Break

Matt Stone

Master of Arts
Well folks, it has been a fun ride, but I am getting a little tired of the boards, the arguments, the 2 year know it alls, the shake and bake masters, the entire ball of wax...

I'm not quitting, just taking a break for a while. I need to spend more time training and less time futzing around with knuckleheads on the internet who ask questions they really don't want answers to (because they know the answers already), or who post comments that would probably make their teachers hang their heads in shame.

I need to recharge my desire to deal with the public. So, for now, I'm taking a break to spend time working on my art and myself.

Kaith, Arnisador and the rest of the Mods - thanks for the leeway you have allowed me. I have tried to play nice, though I didn't manage to every time.

To my friends and family here, you know how to contact me. I will check in from time to time, but probably won't be posting much for a while.

Take care folks. See you on the other side of the mountain...

:asian: :asian: :asian:
I know exactly how ya feel. I've been there myself at times.

Relax, recharge and go train. :)

We'll keep the light on for ya when ya wanna pop back in.

Originally posted by Yiliquan1
Well folks, it has been a fun ride, but I am getting a little tired of the boards, the arguments, the 2 year know it alls, the shake and bake masters, the entire ball of wax...


I know how you feel. I personally get tired of the liars and idiots. So little good information is shared on MA boards and it rarely outweighs the posts by moronic wannabees …which maybe the reason why I post on fewer and fewer boards and my MA board list keeps getting smaller and smaller...........so much so that I could careless if I get the “boot” from any of them.
It gets exasperating dealing with folks that claim to be a Soke but have no clue as to what the word means, or that claim to be super high in rank but can’t name simple things about the style from which they “supposedly” trained in, or people that ask childish questions that don’t necessarily reflect a lack of knowledge in training just a lack of common sense.
While I have met some great folks through the MA’s that I really respect and cherish their friendship I think the MA’s has a bigger collection of idiots than any other “hobby” out there and that’s the part they wears you down.

We may not have always agreed but I have enjoyed reading your posts.
Train , train hard , get your head where you want it to be, then come back.

Sometimes a break can be verry refreshing

Tshadowchaser :asian:
Goodluck and train hard. I hope to see you back here again posting soon!:)

Take care and have a good break. Train hard, and may you meet all your goals.

I look forward to seeing you back soon.


It's people like you that keep people like me coming here.... The more intelligent level headed ones are the people I come here for, not the morons.... they are quickly identified and ignored...

Train hard... hope to see you here again soon!
Originally posted by kkbb
It's people like you that keep people like me coming here.... The more intelligent level headed ones are the people I come here for, not the morons.... they are quickly identified and ignored...

Train hard... hope to see you here again soon!

Couldn't have said it better. Well put.

it has always been a pleasure to read your posts. Good luck to you in Life.
good luck with training hope you dont take too long, youve helped me out with alot of stuff here on mt. thankx:asian:

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