Take your pick



Which martial arts actor, fight scene, style of the actor, whatever you like the most?

Jean Claude Van Dame is awesome. Of course, and maybe one of ya'll even knows about it, a couple of years back, i heard that he and his friend who has actually been in a couple of movies with him went to a bar and van dame was some what drunk and rowdy. And his friend in either trying to calm him down, or wanting to leave created a little bit of fight juice for van dame and van dame actually tried one of his kicks at the guy, but he fell off balance. I don't know, but the guy was serious about it when he told the camera men about it. But yea, Karate is a cool style. Especially when you learn how to control your hands and do all that bone conditioning. Good Stuff.

They did have them American Ninja movies and Ninja Turtles. Some of it was the real deal, like real technique, other times, it's just the flips, and kicks. But more good stuff.

And of course, last but not least. Bruce Lee. He actually seemed to be introducing Jeet Kune Do in his films. I mean, it's awesome. Game of Death is funny. He says something like, "lets move all this stuff out of the way so we can groove". Good stuff. He is just fighting, and taken em out. Got all them stylists. Hapkido dude, dan inosanto, other guys. Kareem Abdul Jabbarh. Ya'll remember that movie?? And enter the dragon. Bob wall and stuff. Karate junk. Martial arts BOOMED in the 70's. 80's. What's cool about Bruce Lee is he wasn't flashy. But real, if needed he WOULD throw some kind of flip kick. But most of the time, it was small things, and wing chun fists to the face. One movie, some guy is tryin to learn from Bruce Lee's character and Lee has him in this head lock. They're bot lyin flat on the ground. And Bruce Lee is like, "what can you do in this situation"? Something like that. And the guy is "i don't know". He's about to pass out cause of that head lock. And her'es the good part, Bruce Lee says "Biting" SWEEEEET!!! Tactical to Practical. It's awesome.
The real Bruce Lee died during the taping of "Game of Death" it's acutally him in some of the scenes, especially at the end, but much of it is doubles and stuff. Appearently in some places they even have cardboard cutouts. The movie that was released was drastically different from what he had been planning.

My soucrce? "Bruce Lee: a Warrior's Journey". Documentary type film by John Little.
I enjoy Jackie Chan and Jet Li. There was another Hongkongese guy whom I saw just once but I loved his stuff. Very dynamic, well time-framed, looked realistic but very entertaining too. Never caught his name.

Stephen Seagal is the greatest waste of oxygen in the world.
You can't beat Jackie Chan, Yuen Biao and Sammo Hung when they get together, they made three classic films together, Wheels on Meals, Project A and Dragons Forever, all great. I especially like Wheels on Meals but it's pretty rare.

And of course, Bruce Lee, I only wish he'd lived a little longer so he could have made more great films :asian:

For an individual fight scene the best I've ever seen is the Wong In Sik/Jackie Chan one at the end of 'The Young Master', that's fantastic. I've seen a couple of different cuts of the film and in some the fight scene is shorter than others, in the first cut I saw it was 20 minutes long!

Another film I like is 'The Prodigal Son', directed by Sammo Hung, which uses Wing Chun throughout for the fight scenes, excellent.

I think my all time favorite fight scenes are from the Perfect Weapon. The fight scene in the Korean gym, and the fight scenes at the warehouse are pretty cool. Too bad Ed Parker wasn't around to help with the fights on Speakman's other films.

Overall, I like many of the old Chinese Kung Fu movies. Kung Fu theater ruled on Saturday mornings.
Problem is, there's no one left to make good movies anymore. Segal has gotten heavy, Norris is 64, Van Dame has all but disapeared, and what he does make, is a remake of something else, Chan is all goofy, Jet Li hangs by wires, Speakman went bust after one movie, and has evaporated.

Is there any "Real MA Superstar s" out there anymore?:confused:
Originally posted by RCastillo
Problem is, there's no one left to make good movies anymore. Segal has gotten heavy, Norris is 64, Van Dame has all but disapeared, and what he does make, is a remake of something else, Chan is all goofy, Jet Li hangs by wires, Speakman went bust after one movie, and has evaporated.

Is there any "Real MA Superstar s" out there anymore?:confused:

I know what you mean, Ricardo. Jacky Chan movies drive me crazy. My other half loves them, so we usually end up seeing every new Jacky movie that comes out. The only tolerable Jeff Speakman movie, besides the Perfect Weapon, is Deadly Outbreak. Sonny Chiba's movies were interesting.

I guess the golden age of MA movies is gone. Now all we are left with is the Matrix. Yawn.
Originally posted by superdave
I know what you mean, Ricardo. Jacky Chan movies drive me crazy. My other half loves them, so we usually end up seeing every new Jacky movie that comes out. The only tolerable Jeff Speakman movie, besides the Perfect Weapon, is Deadly Outbreak. Sonny Chiba's movies were interesting.

I guess the golden age of MA movies is gone. Now all we are left with is the Matrix. Yawn.

Damn, Baltimore? Now I know why you have the tag, "Superdave." That's a mean city! I bet people move wide when they see you coming!:eek:
Originally posted by RCastillo
Damn, Baltimore? Now I know why you have the tag, "Superdave." That's a mean city! I bet people move wide when they see you coming!:eek:

:D It's not that bad right now. Too cold outside for the idiots to shoot at each other, only 21 murdered so far this year. How are things in Texas?
Unfortunately after Matrix, the general audience expects wires. Classic MA movies are dead.
Originally posted by CanuckMA
Unfortunately after Matrix, the general audience expects wires. Classic MA movies are dead.

Yeah, I know what you mean. I was going to rent a DVD at my local video titled "Martial Arts Greatest Fight Scenes". I returned it to the shelf when it listed Charlie's Angels as a Martial Arts movie.

Cheesy movie, cheesy fight scenes. Daniel San could have kicked the "Angels" butts.
Originally posted by superdave
:D It's not that bad right now. Too cold outside for the idiots to shoot at each other, only 21 murdered so far this year. How are things in Texas?

Oh, the idiots are out there. Lots of "Home Invasions" here, and there. Gang related crap. The ususal stuff...........:(
Originally posted by RCastillo
Oh, the idiots are out there. Lots of "Home Invasions" here, and there. Gang related crap. The ususal stuff...........:(

Sounds about the same out here. 90% of our problems are caused by gangs and drugs. One would think a street corner wouldn't be worth dying over. Pretty sad.
Originally posted by superdave
Sounds about the same out here. 90% of our problems are caused by gangs and drugs. One would think a street corner wouldn't be worth dying over. Pretty sad.

And yet, very few adults here study MA. It's mostly all kids, go figure. I guess since you can carry guns here legally, they don't need people like me.:shrug:
Originally posted by RCastillo
Problem is, there's no one left to make good movies anymore. Segal has gotten heavy, Norris is 64, Van Dame has all but disapeared, and what he does make, is a remake of something else, Chan is all goofy, Jet Li hangs by wires, Speakman went bust after one movie, and has evaporated.

Is there any "Real MA Superstar s" out there anymore?:confused:

Yeah, Jackie has gotten cheesy in his old age I guess. His younge rstuff is excellent!! Jet Li is good, but its getting kind of steriotypical now. I sure wish Mark Dacoscos could act better, he is a true martial artist that has never really had his talen showcased, besides maybe "Only the Strong" but he is a kung fu guy, so that movie was pretty bogus.

I like Mark though, wish he would pay for some good acting lessons.

Van Damme is sorry!!! :D

Best fight scene: Return of the Dragon: Bruce Lee vs. Chuck Norris. That fight is just awesome!
what we need is someone who actually has talent instead of special effects. hell i could jump 7 feet in the air and do double back flips if i has wires also!

talent boys, talent! give me someone who needs no tricks and can kick butt!

this is why i like watching the old movies. no hidden tricks, or jumps, just good ol fashioned martial arts.

until these people resurface. we will be forced to watch unrealistic action movies that were very entertaining at the beginning, but are sadly getting old quick.

besides i doubt you instructor would let you wear the wires to a tournament anyway....LOL:rofl:
Originally posted by markulous
Van Damme is sorry!!! :D

Best fight scene: Return of the Dragon: Bruce Lee vs. Chuck Norris. That fight is just awesome!

That's 'Way of the Dragon' surely? :D

Originally posted by satans.barber
That's 'Way of the Dragon' surely? :D


My dvd is named Return of the Dragon. I think when they translated it they had 2 different translations. I saw in a magazine that it was called Way of the Dragon(just like you said) and my Sifu said that they didn't have a direct translation. So I dunnoooo...:)