Take the Geek Challenge!

10.91212342342342342342342342453564554754 or something like that.

Geek Tendencies.

I bow to all you geek gods.

And the Geeks shall inherit the earth!
39.84221% - Major Geek

this low score highly upsets me. clearly im going to have to change my major to IS
Originally posted by LostGrrlDies
39.84221% - Major Geek

this low score highly upsets me. clearly im going to have to change my major to IS

Nah... just watch more Star Trek. Heh heh
Mine was 26% - Total Geek.

I attribute that to my love of Star Trek, Star Wars, Sci-fi in general and Languages (including Klingon). I didn't score as high as I thought I would.. But I guess it's right on.
Originally posted by progressivetactics
10.91212342342342342342342342453564554754 or something like that.

Geek Tendencies.

I bow to all you geek gods.

And the Geeks shall inherit the earth!


Thee and me, mini geeks. Yowsah!

Dan Anderson
yes sir.
I feel like we are going to be escorted out by a couple of 98# guys in storm trooper outfits, carrying light sabers!
Originally posted by progressivetactics
yes sir.
I feel like we are going to be escorted out by a couple of 98# guys in storm trooper outfits, carrying light sabers!


Now, if ya were female, they'd never get near ya. Too alien ya know.

You asked for it....

with guest host William Shatner

Broadcast live from New York on Saturday, the twentieth of December, 1986.

Ears.....Jon Lovitz
Charlie.....Dana Carvey
Artie.....Kevin Nealon
Emcee.....Phil Hartman
Himself.....William Shatner
Second Emcee.....A. Whitney Brown

William Shatner: Thank you! Thank you very much! Thank you! Hey! First of all, I want to say it's quite a thrill to be hosting the show tonight, it's a nice way to cap off a great year for me! Yeah! "Star Trek IV" has turned out to be a huge hit.... [ applause ] Yuh! And I can only hope that "T.J. Hooker IV" does half as well!

Actually, I'm very proud of our new movie because... uh... y'know... in making a film about the threatened extinction of the whales, we were trying to make an important... an important statement. And that is, a sequel can be just as successful as its original. [ flat joke, subdued applause ]
You know, it still amazes me that the uh... the influence the series has. It's now been shown in over a hundred countries and of course each country translates it to fit their own culture. For example, in Japan, I understand it's called, "Sulu, Master of Navigation." [ polite titters of laughter] So it's truly worldwide.

And one of the most interesting aspects of the "Star Trek" phenomenon has to be the conventions... with all the Trekkies and Trekkettes and the Trek-kores and... I mean they're truly incredible, and I hope they have a sense of humor about this show tonight or... I'm in deep trouble! Anyway, I thought you might like to see what one of these conventions... MIGHT be like....

[ open on an exterior shot of the "Holiday Inn" with a sign reading "Welcome Trekkers." ]

[ dissolve inside ]

[ A sign on the wall reads "16th Annual Star Trek Convention -- 1986" ]

Ears: Charlie! Check this out!

Charlie: [ wearing "I Grok Spock" t-shirt ] Oh, outstanding, man!

Ears: Original cast photo, right before they added Chekhov!

Charlie: Oh, how much was it?

Ears: Sixty dollars!

Charlie: Ohhh.... They got any left?

Loudspeaker: Attention Trekkers, now available in the Hamilton Room... copies of DeForest Kelley's single record, "He's Dead, Jim." Right now, in the Hamilton Room.

Artie: [ making the Vulcan "peace sign" ] Hey guys!

Charlie & Ears: Hey Artie!

Artie: How you guys doing on the trivia quiz?

Charlie: Aw, since you... hey, you got Khan's middle name?

Artie: [ smugly ] Noonian!

Charlie: Yeoman Rand's cabin number?

Artie: Y3-90!

[ Charlie and Ears snicker knowingly to each other. ]

Artie: What? Am I wrong? Am I wrong?

[ more snickers ]

Emcee: Attention! Attention! Hello everybody! Welcome to Day 4 of the 16th Annual Star Trek Convention... Well! ...here in Rye, New York. A few announcements.... Ah... first... ah... a wonderful new... ah... item has just been added to the convention. It's a program from the 1975 convention!

Trekkies: Oooo! Ahhh!

Emcee: Yeah! It's a very special item, I'm sure you'll enjoy it, and it's ONLY... thirty dollars.
Secondly, we have some exciting guests at the convention today, so let me introduce them to you right now. First, we have the lovely actress Julie Cobb. Now you all remember her as Yeoman Leslie Thompson from the first ten minutes of Episode 51, "Errand of Mercy"... in which she was transformed into a cube... and crushed!
And next up is Pamela Denberg Doohan, the ex-wife of course of James "Scotty" Doohan, and ah... I understand life with the Enterprise's Chief Mechanical Officer *was* somewhat turbulent... kinda like living with a MUGATU!

Trekkies: [ geeky laughter ]

Emcee: Yeah! Well you'll all be able to meet Pamela in the Briar Wing where she'll be signing copies of her new book, "Beam Me Out Of Here"!
And finally, the man you've all been waiting for, this is his first Star Trek convention in quite a long time, I know he's thrilled to be here, Captain James Tiberius Kirk himself, WILLIAM SHATNER! [ Shatner walks to the podium. ] Now Bill's here to field a few questions so just fire away!

Trekkies: Mr. Shatner! Mr. Shatner!

William Shatner: Alright, the first question, uh, go ahead!

Charlie: Yeah! Okay, um, when you were gonna beam down to the planet, okay, for the last time in Episode 25? I was wondering, like um, w-w-what was going on with the crew in that particular....

William Shatner: Uh... Episode 25?

Charlie: Yeah!

William Shatner: Um... you gotta give me a PLOT, see, cause it's 20 years and it's a long time... a PLOT... uh....

Charlie: Yeah, Episode 25, that's where you and the crew of the Enterprise get attacked by these spores? And started acting real weird, like hippies and stuff?

William Shatner: [ smiling ] Oh oh, yeah right, I remember, okay uh... what's the question?

Charlie: Well um, I was wondering if you could settle a bet for me and my friends, okay? Um, like, when you... um, left your quarters for the last time? And you opened up your safe? Um... what was the combination?

William Shatner: [ lengthy pause, incredulous expression ] I-I-I don't know! I mean, it's been a long time! I, uh... I don't know that! Uh, okay?

Charlie: [ disappointed ] Okay! Okay!

William Shatner: Anybody? Oh, all right, go ahead! You? Go ahead! You in the funny shirt!

Artie: [ wearing Kirk uniform ] Okay! Another bet... okay... on your horse farm... alright? How many saddle-bred horses do you have?

William Shatner: Uh... 34.

Artie: Wait, wait... is that including the colt that was born earlier this week?

William Shatner: [ stunned pause ] That mare had a foal?

Artie: Tuesday!

William Shatner: Well I... guess it's 35 then!

Artie: ALL RIGHT! ALL RIGHT! [ congratulated by his friends ]

William Shatner: You know, before I answer any more questions there's something I wanted to say. Having received all your letters over the years, and I've spoken to many of you, and some of you have traveled... y'know... hundreds of miles to be here, I'd just like to say... GET A LIFE, will you people? I mean, for crying out loud, it's just a TV show! I mean, look at you, look at the way you're dressed! You've turned an enjoyable little job, that I did as a lark for a few years, into a COLOSSAL WASTE OF TIME!

[ a crowd of shocked and dismayed Trekkies.... ]

I mean, how old are you people? What have you done with yourselves?

[ to "Ears" ] You, you must be almost 30... have you ever kissed a girl?

[ "Ears" hangs his head ]

I didn't think so! There's a whole world out there! When I was your age, I didn't watch television! I LIVED! So... move out of your parent's basements! And get your own apartments and GROW THE HELL UP! I mean, it's just a TV show dammit, IT'S JUST A TV SHOW!

Charlie: Are- are you saying then that we should pay more attention to the movies?

William Shatner: NO!!! THAT'S NOT WHAT I'M SAYING AT ALL!!! HEY, YOU GUYS ARE... THE LAMEST BUNCH... I'VE NEVER SEEN... [ walks away from podium ] I can't believe these people... I mean, I really can't understand what's....

[ Emcee argues with Shatner off-mike, shoves him, Shatner shoves back harder.... ]

Second Emcee: Uh... that was William Shatner, ladies and gentlemen. Uh, I'd like to remind you Trekkers that we have some fine refreshments from all over the galaxy... Coke, Diet Coke, Bubble Up, Orange, I believe. We....

[ Meanwhile, Emcee waves the contract in front of Shatner, who then reluctantly returns to the podium.... ]

William Shatner: Of course, that speech was a "re-creation" of the "Evil Captain Kirk" from um... Episode, um... [ Emcee whispers ] THIRTY-SEVEN... uhh... called... [ another whisper ] "The Enemy Within."

[ Trekkies get happy, applaud ]

William Shatner: Yuh, Yuh, so thank you... and, and... Live Long and Prosper...

[ Trekkies make Vulcan "peace sign".... ]

William Shatner: So everybody... set your phasers on stun, cause... THIS CONVENTION'S AHEAD WARP FACTOR NINE, Y'KNOW? RIGHT! ALL RIGHT! WARP FACTOR NINE!

[ fade out ]
You know, I am thoroughly impressed with how fast, and how much info you (Kaith) are able to pull and post on the web each and every day...I am constantly amazed with the links, diatribes, speeches, etc. you pull out and supply to us for our enjoyment on a day in ,and day out basis...and the only thing Besides a big thank you I can say is:

Get a life man! Don't you have anything else going on? You may not have gotten the biggest score on the Geek challange, but you are like a geek god among men with all the info you have ready to post at any given time!!!

Thanks for all you have done.. I mean it!
Thank you :)

I can usually find stuff online quickly. Now, if I can just find that bit on how to get rich fast.... :D
see.... if you weren't on line so much, you could watch TV. THere is about 20 people on every nite and weekend morning telling you how you could be a millionaire. One of them is just a 20something y.o.
Paul.....you needed a questionaire to tell you that?

Just kidding.
11.04536% - Geekish Tendencies

Kinda ironic considering my major was computer science...
Originally posted by progressivetactics
Paul.....you needed a questionaire to tell you that?

Just kidding.

lol I'm suprised I didn't score higher. My lack of Star Trek and computer interests kept my score low. :cool:
Yeah....star trek held me down a bit too, i think (not that I am really complaining!!!)

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