Take that deadbeat diplomats! - Congress does something right!

MisterMike said:
Hey, wouldn't that mean no more offshoring? :uhyeah:
Well, for some things. But the US still doesn't have the cheap labour of China and India.

michaeledward said:
Hell, Flatlander, it is getting so American's can't even visit Canada on the cheap any more.
Yeah, for about as long as I can remember, the Canadian $ was in the 60's American. And now it's bouncing around in the low eighty cents. This is good for Canadian tourists, bad for Canadian exports.
I'm glad that diplomatic immunity will be revoked - for the insane traffic violations, and for some of the crimes that diplomats, or, from what I understand, some family members - get away with, or have in the past.

How will this affect diplomatic attitudes to the US?

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