
Flying Crane,

You are correct. It is a Sabre although the Yangs call it Southern Broadsword. He is performing the Traditional Yang Family Form (13 posture).

Very best wishes
ooohh Shiney...

Flying Crane,

You are correct. It is a Sabre although the Yangs call it Southern Broadsword. He is performing the Traditional Yang Family Form (13 posture).

Very best wishes

Interesting. I've only seen Southern Broadsword in reference to the shorter, wider version of the broadsword, with an extra long handle and often a ring pommel. Sometimes with a series of rings along the back of the blade.
Thanks Xue Sheng, very informative.
grrr... now my office web nannie blocks the link to the Dao. I expect it's accurate anyway, I certainly know what Dao is...
Xue Sheng,

Thanks for that. The Taiji Sabre is the one the Yang Family use and call Southern Broadsword. Its the one the guy was using in the clip I referred to.