Taiji in Birmingham (Alabama)?


White Belt

I'm new to this forum and am trying to get help.

I will be moving to Birmingham, Alabama in a few months and am trying to find out a Taijiquan school there.

I have been practicing Taiji (Yang style) and Pushing hands as well as Qigong for 5 years with my present teacher in London and been fairly committed to my training! :)
Unfortunately I have to go but I hope to find a good School there as well. I have had a look on the web and have found 3 websites only:


I don't know if there are other schools or what people have to say about the ones I have found and I'd be really grateful for any tip.

If someone knows anything about Taiji schools in Birmingham, AL, thank you a lot for sharing your thoughts!

Don't kow much about Taijiquan in Birmingham but I can tell you that the last link for karmanatha keeps crashing IE.
I'm familiar with the 8step school
Byt not their taiji. Never heard of the others. Let me check around.

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Thanks both.

sorry about that link, their website is quite annoying I agree (I don't know what IE means ...)

Thanks both.

sorry about that link, their website is quite annoying I agree (I don't know what IE means ...)


Sorry, I'm an IT (Information Technology) guy and currently doing all sorts of testing on IE (Internet Explorer) and I was stuck in IT speak
Well going by the 3 sites only.
First one uses hanzi that is always a plus to me.
I don't know shyun style not a traditional set I think.
The first link knows laojia and Yang short so thats good.
Second link has river seed whatever taijiquan.
I dont know it sounds weird.
Third link looks like they did a lot of research but
I think its more new age then real taijiquan.
So Shyun Taijiquan is an offshoot of Wu style.
I notice you did not comment on the River seed Taiji :uhyeah:
Isn't Birmingham not to far from Georgia? Maybe you can train with CLFSean.
Tennessee and Georgia have some good Taiji people and some good Baguazhang people too!

You can train with this guy in Alabama:
http://wudangcenter.com/ He is a Yang guy and he trained with Doc Fai Wong. I would check it out.

Speaking of Grandmasters Xue, Chen Zhenglei just got promoted a 9th Duan.
So Shyun Taijiquan is an offshoot of Wu style.
I notice you did not comment on the River seed Taiji :uhyeah:
Isn't Birmingham not to far from Georgia? Maybe you can train with CLFSean.
Tennessee and Georgia have some good Taiji people and some good Baguazhang people too!

You can train with this guy in Alabama:
http://wudangcenter.com/ He is a Yang guy and he trained with Doc Fai Wong. I would check it out.

Speaking of Grandmasters Xue, Chen Zhenglei just got promoted a 9th Duan.

Nah... the 'Ham is 2.5 from me directly. I know. My brother is moving there this weekend. Steffan is roughly 1.5 or so from the 'Ham.

sorry for replying sooner, I don't have easy internet access everyday ...

Thanks for your ideas
Being thouroughly European, it had seemed impossible to train with people who are not on a public transport line.
My teacher (while you were writing the posts) opened my eyes I guess by saying I could try to train once a week/month with people farther out.
So maybe Georgia and Tenessee and Alabama in general are indeed possibilities.
It does seem very strange though for a city girl like me.....

I will look at the other neighbouring (!!) States then.

thanks again!


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