Understood, and I agree, but this is just one straw that has been added to all the others that have been building up as it applies to 25 years of Taijiquan and how things have changed in that time as well as how the practitioners have change over that same period.
about 20 years ago, I was once in a class that was doing the taiji two person form. Basically it is a drill that switches back and forth between attacker and defender. It is also choreographed so it is not reality as it applies to a fight, but it is not meant to be, it is a drill, that is all. However it does require you do the forms properly. I was training with a gentleman who was very hung up in the mythology of taijiquan, but his form was rather sloppy. We went back and forth for a while and then I stopped him. I told him that if he continued doing the forms the way he was doing that it would not train him correctly as to how to respond to attack. He needed to complete each movement, not just do the thing half way. His angry response to me was "I don't DO martial arts...I DO TAI CHI" This was the first time I ran into this attitude. He was convinced that by simply going through the motions that somehow, magically, he would be indestructible and that his "Internal Tai Chi Chuan" was so far superior to any other art that it was beneath him to even think about anything he deemed "Marital Arts". I have run into this many times since. After that I started running into the Tai is not a martial art crowd, it is simply moving meditation. And I had no problem with that group if that is what they wanted. However, over time, that changed to anger when it was even mentioned that Taijiquan was a martial art. Had a woman storm out of my class, and never return, once when another student asked me about the marital arts of it.
Here is the thing, Xu beat up another deluded Taijiquan guy, that is all, nothing more. But the over all attitude about and view of taiji has changed drastically over the last 25 years and I am simply tired of dealing with it as well as trying to get the point across that it is ok if all you want is forms, but it is a martial art. More recently, a year or 2 ago I was helping my shifu teach the dao form and a couple of students asked me what was happening with the Dao and why it moved that way. I told them it was blocking a spear, hand grabs the spear, Dao hits the other guy in the neck. They were rather shocked, never asked me about applications again, but I will say this, they like learning forms from me over anyone else helping my shifu. Was also recently asked to come back to class by another person who helps my shifu teach, but I just can't bring myself to go back and spend 2 hours only doing the taiji dance.