Tai chi video --by a chinese girl

Welcome to Martial Talk! Cool video, thanks for posting. Why don't you pop over to the "Meet and Greet" forum and introduce yourself? :)
I think I may have to keep that and watch it whenever I feel stressed! It was quite beautiful, powerful too and oh the control she has over her limbs! thank you!
Wish I could have seen more of the foot work in the beginning of the clip but still a good clip
Holy Carpe Jugulum!

I have never, ever, been even remotely that graceful, even at the height of my Lau Gar training. Making such things look effortless is worthy of tumultuous applause - just a shame I can't grab the video for off-line viewing :(.

EDIT: Ah, YouTube is less restrictive. Excellent.
It is a very well done performance version and she is very good at it and certainly has some very strong legs.