Ive been studying the form youre talking about for a little over a year now..for an hour this morning actually...my teacher has the ball-end stick youre talking about...and yes, he teaches CPL also...the story is this...CPL taught a man named Kai Sung in Taiwan post PROC, he brought CPLs Nanking Commitee Taiji form to the US via the West Coast I believe...the school in Rochester is from the same line of teaching as my Sifu (I think), except they got involved with General YW Chang, a very honorable student and lineage carrier (I think) of Chen Pan Ling.
Anyway, if you learned this stick form in Rochester I think it probably came from Kai Sung, but I'd like to be sure of that and to know if this form originated with CPL or where???.
In my school it is used as an introduction to the Higher Philosophies of extending the jing through weapons, Does your teacher of this form also practice a Tai Chi Broadsword???