Tai Chi on Long Island?

You can check out my school at www.movementsofmagic.com (click onto "school"). I received my teaching certificate from Grandmaster William C. C. Chen in 1975. We are in Sound Beach (near Rocky Point and Mount Sinai). I teach Yang and Chen forms, animal and weapons forms, push hands, chi-gung and the fighting. We are at a low ebb during the summer but usually pick up quickly by mid September. There are many excellent teachers on Long Island. It would be a good idea to look at each schools's website to learn about the emphasis of each. Then attend those within a reasonable distance to get an idea of the quality of teaching. Good luck with your Tai-chi studies!
to paraphrase a previous poster above: "I would NOT recommend [Jeff's] class to someone looking for an easy class with no real physical [and MENTAL] challenge." However, I do not agree with that poster's ageism. I met some students at Alex's workshop who were twice my age - grandma's and grandpa's - who did push hands with great skill and strength.

Yeah, that's pretty much what I said...but somehow, I'm an ageist, while you're just "not recommending class to someone looking for an easy class with no real physical [and MENTAL] challenge."

Strange how these things are.

I'd appreciate not being called an ageist by someone who has never met me and who basically misconstrued a joke.
I have been studying the Internal Martial Arts for nearly 20 years. In 2002, I went to China to deepen my studies. Recently, I returned from China after living and training there for 8 years in various Tai Chi styles. I spent 5 years living in Shanghai training daily with my primary teachers Dr. Wang Zhi Xiang who taught me an advanced version of Yang Style Tai Ji Quan and Master Qian Zhao Hong who taught me Henan Xin Yi Liu He Quan. Both of my teachers are well regarded, high level masters. I am a certified teacher and lineage holder in both arts.

I am teaching classes in both Yang Style Tai Ji Quan and Xin Yi Liu He Quan(Xing Yi). Course of study includes Taiji basics and energetics, Form, Push Hands, Qigong and applications with both group and private classes available.

Currently classes are held in Huntington and Woodbury and are easy to get to for Suffolk and Nassau County residents.

If you are interested in more information you can email me at bamenwubu108@yahoo.com or call 631-974-2462.

I Dr. Wang Zhi Xiang who taught me an advanced version of Yang Style Tai Ji Quan

What is an "advanced version" of Yang Style Taijiquan?

And if you are the lineage holder what is the lineage of Dr. Wang Zhi Xiang and Master Qian Zhao Hong?
That is a good question, what is an "advanced version" of Yang Style Taijiquan?

What I mean by advanced version, is the system of Yang style taught to me by Dr Wang Zhi Xiang the only indoor disciple of Master Wang Zhuang Hong originally from Shanghai and who later in life moved to and became very well known in Hong Kong for his high level push hand skill and his practice of what he called the water method of Taijiquan. His system has developed Yang Style Taijiquan into 3 forms beginning with the classical 108 form which we use for developing structure and flow. There are 2 more advanced forms whose emphasis is on more wave like motions designed for developing a strong external presence, and deep internal development. Unfortunately Wang Zhuang Hong passed away about 2 years ago, there are a number of articles about him in Tai Chi Magazine.

Master Qian Zhao Hong is a disciple of Master Luo Song Gao who is famous for his excellent skill in Henan Xin Yi Liu He Quan. There is also a feature article about Master Qian in Tai Chi magazine.

I lived and trained in Shanghai, China for 5 years where both of my teachers reside. I was fortunate enough to be able to train with them daily. Though both of my teachers are well known in parts of Europe where they offer several workshops each year, they are not yet as well known in the USA, I hope to change that.
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Just noticed this old post has some old scheduling, so allow me to update

Regular Schedule is now:
Tai Chi: Sunday 9:30am, Tuesday 8:00pm, Thursday 7:00pm
Bagua: Tuesday 7:00pm
Push Hands, Rou Shou, & Martial Applications: Sunday mornings 8:30am.
although martial content is woven into every tai chi & bagua class, this hour is dedicated to developing the martial awareness required to make the applications work effectively throught the use of 2-person exercises.

Bagua Workshops: Third Sunday each month 12:00-2:30pm (check website for dates)
-All Levels Welcome!

Silk Wind Studio: 1 Schwab Road, Melville, NY 11747

Peace & Tao,
Pete Landini
If you are are interested in learning authentic Taiji, my name is Jeff, I have been practicing Taiji for 20 yearsand I am a certified instructor of Master Alex Dong (Tung).Master Alex Dong is a fourth generation master. He is the great grandson of Tung Ying Jie,and grandson of Tung Hu Ling ( look on YouTube.com), who did things the old -fashioned way, both are known for their expertise in Push hands, and many of their students were masters of other styles.They played a big part in opening the door of Taiji to the world. Alex's father, Master Dong (Tung) Zheng Chen, is also a well known Master. Master Alex is a great teacher with high skills, and, I am fortunate to train with my teacher weekly and monthly workshops, while others around the world wait to train with him yearly.
If you can make it to NYC, and you want to learn Authentic Taiji as taught by the Dong family, I would say study under Master Alex Dong, if you cannot,the best next thing is take classes with me, in Mineola, in my private studio. I am available for workshops, and private lessons. If there are martial arts schools who want to add Taiji to their school, contact me.
LongIslandDongTaiChi@gmail.com or call Jeff (516)643-6156.
Most importantly,Taiji is for health and longevity first.
Classes offered
Yang Long Form (Slow form)
Tung Ying Jie Fast Form (slow and fast movements)
The Fajin Form (sequence similar to the slow form but with explosive energy)
The Hao Form (Hard form) build neijin(internal energy) at a quicker pace
Push hands
Sword and Broadsword
From taji jeff

"Most importantly,Taiji is for health and longevity first."

If you reallyt believe this, then I'm afraid you are teaching crap.

Very best wishes
I apologise for the last post. I must have been feeling a bit liverish.

However, if Taiji is for health and longevity first, and Yang Cheng Fu died young and Moy Lin Shin who taught Taoist Tai Chi purely for health died in his early 60's, what do you think they were doing wrong?

Very best wishes
Long Island School of Tai-chi-Chuan
631 744-5999
Sound Beach (Rocky Point Area)
www.movementsofmagic.com (click onto "School")

Bob Klein, teacher (certified in 1975 by Grandmaster William C. C. Chen)
Teaching Yang and Chen forms, animal and weapons forms, chi-gung, push hands, sparring and Tai-chi massage.

Bob Klein is the author of the books, "Movements of Magic - the Spirit of Tai-chi-Chuan" and "Movements of Power - Ancient Secrets of Unleashing Instinctual Vitality".
My response to the attack to one of my earlier comments.
Taiji is for health and longevity first, but is also a high level martial art and that must be known and practiced. First you must be in good health to be a good martial artist, and second it would be nice to live longer to continue practicing and teaching others. If you fight often with other skilled players,and( unskilled, maybe worse) you will get hurt ( and I have) and over time that will shorten you life. In the days of Yang Chengfu (how healthy was he in his later years}, it was more about challenges, people also practiced all day, that was their whole life. We live in a different era and we must adjust to the changes. When you practice the form, and apply the yin and yang of left and right, up and down, back and forth, inside and outside etc. you will look at life many different ways, not just one sided. We practice the external, to acquire the internal and Taiji is an internal martial art, Master Alex Dong has said, you can learn the postures somewhat right in 2 years, but it will take you 20 years to get the energy right. This is one of many important parts of my training and teaching. Though martial is important, Good Health with Longevity is the ultimate goal.
Jeff Pastoressa, a Certified Instructor of Master Alex Dong and the the Tung Ying Jie Taiji Legacy
My response to the attack to one of my earlier comments.

Am I missing something...who attacked what comment?

Taiji is for health and longevity first, but is also a high level martial art and that must be known and practiced. First you must be in good health to be a good martial artist, and second it would be nice to live longer to continue practicing and teaching others. If you fight often with other skilled players,and( unskilled, maybe worse) you will get hurt ( and I have) and over time that will shorten you life. In the days of Yang Chengfu (how healthy was he in his later years}, it was more about challenges, people also practiced all day, that was their whole life. We live in a different era and we must adjust to the changes. When you practice the form, and apply the yin and yang of left and right, up and down, back and forth, inside and outside etc. you will look at life many different ways, not just one sided. We practice the external, to acquire the internal and Taiji is an internal martial art, Master Alex Dong has said, you can learn the postures somewhat right in 2 years, but it will take you 20 years to get the energy right. This is one of many important parts of my training and teaching. Though martial is important, Good Health with Longevity is the ultimate goal.
Jeff Pastoressa, a Certified Instructor of Master Alex Dong and the the Tung Ying Jie Taiji Legacy

For the record Yang Chengfu did not believe he needed a doctor because he believed all he needed to stay healthy was Taijiquan and there were several Taiji guys of old who felt the same way and died young too.

Taiji is a martial art. If practiced properly it does greatly help ones health.

Tung Ying Chieh (my sifu's teacher) did say on many occasions it was for health but he taught the martial arts of it. Also I suggest you read Tung Ying Chieh's Red Book for how long things take and why. However a word of warning, the English version is not translated very well and has several mistakes in it
Tai Chi Chuan is a martial art. period. Any health benefits enjoyed by practitioners are a by-product and directly proportional to the quality of the martial training. Removal the martial intent and the health aspects are removed as well. Its not about what is first or following, it's about balance. One part moves, All parts move.

I agree with Jeff that first and foremost Tai Chi is for Health and longevity. It is true that Yang Cheng Fu died at 53, he weighed close to 300 pounds and thoroughly enjoyed the life that comes with being a very famous master who believed he could cure himself. He sought help only after it was already too late.(there are rumors he died from syphilis, had terrible gout and intestinal issues). Pete said that it is the martial content in Tai Chi that gives practitioners its health benefits I believe this is also true, that they are inseperable and sadly there is a lot of empty Tai Chi out there devoid of all content. Having had the opportunity to study with several high level Masters in China many of whom were great fighters well versed in the martial aspects and push hands. I would often ask what should I focus on in my practice and everytime they would tell me don’t only focus on the martial. One of the reasons being the tendency to focus to much attention on the external movements and not enough on developing the yi(mind) Qi and hsing(body)and the internal aspects. Developing the energies will be better for health and for martial usage, let the Tai Chi principles work.

I believe Push hands is the ultimate exercise for health and martial arts. If you can try to emphasize doing push hands(and all aspects of Tai Chi really) as it is described in the Tai Chi classics to learn to do it with no external strength and with regard to the proper energies and attitude inherent in Tai Chi both your health and martial abilities will be greatly enhanced. Today, push hands often degenerates into wrestling and shoving matches where winning is the only goal. This is neither good for health nor internal martial development. However, learning to do Tai Chi with the correct energies takes longer but is ultimately much more effective as well.


visit me on the web: www.movelikewater.com
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Adding to Pete, I'd have to say that the martial vs. health debate stems from a false dichotomy: there is no martial, no health -- there is taijiquan.

No martial, no health. No taijiquan.
No health, no martial. No taijiquan.
I teach in the Port Jefferson/Rocky Point area of Suffolk County - The Long Island School of Tai-chi-Chuan. Studied with Grandmaster William C. C. Chen and received my teaching certificate from him in 1975.

We teach Yang and Chen forms, animal and weapons forms, chi-gung, push hands, and free sparring. We are beginning new classes for the summer.

You can learn more at our blog www.movementsofmagic.com/blog
and about the school at www.movementsofmagic.com (click onto "School")

Bob Klein
Author of the books,
"Movements of Magic - the Spirit of Tai-chi-Chuan"
"Movements of Power - Ancient Secrets of Unleashing Instinctual Vitality"
631 744-5999
Yang Style Tai Chi Classes In Huntington – Long Island – NY

Ongoing classes
Tuesday and Thursday 7:30 PM
@Balance Yoga 680 E. Jericho Tpke. Huntington(next to Harley Davidson)

This class is taught by Howie Gottfried from Move like Water School of Tai Chi and the Internal Martial Arts.

If you are looking to learn the essence of Tai Chi, this class is for you. We will explore together the Yang style classical 108 movement form and use it to create a strong foundation through correct structure and body alignment practices and quiet awareness.

We will also explore the deeper meaning of Tai Chi through the internal principles that differentiate Tai Chi from other forms of external martial arts. This class will also introduce some of the martial aspects of the art.

This class is open to all levels seeking to begin the art or for those with experience to deepen their understanding of Tai Chi.

I am teaching what I learned from the 5 years I spent training/living in Shanghai, China as the student of two high level masters; Dr Wang Zhi Xiang and Master Qian Zhao Hong . For more information please visit my website @ www.movelikewater.com

Private Classes in Yang style Tai Chi, Spiral Tai Chi, Henan Xin Yi Liu He Quan and Push Hands also available
2012 Class Schedule for Tai Chi & Bagua at Silk Wind Studio

Tai Chi
Sunday 9:30am
Tuesday 8:00pm
Wednesday 7:30pm (Beginners Class taught at Introductory Level)

Sunday 8:30am
Tuesday 7:00pm
Monthly Workshops scheduled Sunday afternoons (3rd Sunday each Month)
We are currently doing 64 Hands of Liu De Kuan. Typically taught through the schools associated with Cheng-style Bagua, this set is a clever combination of direct fighting techniques from all three classical internal martial arts of Baguazhang, Xingyi, and Tai Chi Chuan.

More info is available on the web site: www.silkwindstudio.com
(class schedules, pricing, directions... it's all there!)

or you can email me at: silkwind@optonline.net with any questions...

Peace & Tao,