Well, I'll be taking four styles of martial arts next semester. Different styles that I think will suit me best. I've been in jujitsu for awhile now but the kind of jujitsu I learn kinda needs a base art, and I was just wondering how yang style tai chi quan could be used for stances like how a boxer or kung fu fighter has, because my jujitsu doesnt teach you how to stand or anything just teaches applicassions she teaches the way wally jay taught her and how they taught together for 26 years they didnt teach any striking or stuff like that just all jujitsu as in joint locks, leverage, throws, submitions and pins. I'm gonna be taking tae kwon do cause I have a bad hand and cant punch to good so kicking would be useful and also be taking aikido on the weekends with tai chi (it's tai chi then aikido, my sensei taches it). Because I really plan on practicing tai chi a lot for health and strength reasons but I also hear there's lots of combat applications in yang tai chi chuan. Sorry, I'm a tai chi newbie or martial art newbie I dont know to much except for danzan ryu jujitsu.