Taekwondo Times


Orange Belt
I have not yet subscribed to TKD Times......I've considered it......and before doing so, I'd like to get opinions from you folks as to its worth.

More importantly, I'd appreciate it if someone might to point me to the July, 2009 edition article on "MRSA and Martial Arts".

I have a personal interest in reading that particular article.

Thanks guys.
I agree with Terry. It's hit & miss. Totallytkd*com is a much more consistent resource.
Yeah, for the most part it's not that great, and in the past it seemed to have been full of kuk sool wan more than anything.
I usually subscribe for a year or two, then don't renew for 6 months to a year, and then renew again. Also keep in mind it only comes out every other month.

Don't expect anything great- but as I have said before, I would rather read not-so-great martial arts stuff than just about anything non-MA related.

If you are just looking for one article go to your local Barnes and Nobel and read it there, or else buy the one issue.
Don't expect anything great- but as I have said before, I would rather read not-so-great martial arts stuff than just about anything non-MA related.

If you are just looking for one article go to your local Barnes and Nobel and read it there, or else buy the one issue.
Thanks.......to everyone for your input.

I checked out TotallyTKD......it's pretty good.......and it's free!

I inquired about the one specific article because TKD Times is down- loadable and I was hoping someone might have it saved. I found a similar article at FightingArts.com