Gemini, I think what country you are in will dictate what is legal and what is not. Im in Asia, Ive seen plenty of people block in WTF style and its still counted as a point. Ya I know its supposed to be the same worldwide.... but it is not.
BigNick, same. Over here punching is totally not counted, if you knock him down with a punch to his gut and he doesn't get up... you are given a FOUL! You dont win!
I think you guys are blocking differently like I tried to explain, arm reaching out to meet kick will get broken... but why the frik is that arm reaching out?! Ive been going to tournaments for 15 years, Ive trained in 5 countries... Ive never heard of this arm breaking stuff except for one horror story to scare the kiddies when I was a white belt. Again though, if all WTF'rs when they block are reaching out than I can see why this might be a more than super rare occurence, improper blocking will cause injuries.
Punching to the face IS legal, at least in my federation. Yes I know we are talking about sport style, just reminding you there is a world of fists in the face fun just wating for TKDists to try!
Anyway, I agree with everything, you guys spar a certain way because that is how the sport evolved given your particular rule set, I know this, but..... I do think blocking should be trained more by you guys. Proper safe blocking as a reflex not a "wait and see" which would be too late. I see hundreds of points landed on WTF'rs because their hands are not where I feel they should be. But if the judges are counting blocks as points anyway than what would the point be in changing.
QUESTION ABOUT WTF UNIFORMS: Does the red and black trim around the neck represent junior black belt or NOT? 'Cause here in Asia white belts are wearing those uniforms because they are prettier. Freaks me out and I want to tear their uniform off, but is that just the norm these days?
Damian Mavis
Honour TKD