Cool. As I stated before, I did not know that.
What seems to be happening in these threads are people are quickly jumping to any conclusion instead of asking more questions. Not just this particular incident, but many others I have seen on different threads. Perhaps asking the poster to elaborate more would have helped. I knew what he meant simply by knowing a bit about his background.
I agree. If you are pursuing KKW or WTF items, then the cert would be needed. However, if you are not then, you don't personally need it.
Well I would say if you are teaching KKW TKD and eventually your students will be doing so then I would think you would want them to be certified through the KKW. If you are advertising that you teach KKW-TKD then you should be certified under them. If you are teaching your own brand of TKD mixed with whatever else and you don't plan on pursuing KKW curriculum, then I don't see why you would need to offer them certs through KKW.
I was drawing a comparison that ATA will not allow any "outsiders" in their events unless you are certified with them, just like WTF would not allow "outsiders" into specifice events unless you are certified through KKW. Since there was a misunderstanding about WTF not being mentioned in the original post that sprouted this whole is a moot point.
I agree. It is about the knowledge. I can learn how to be a plubmer simply by going to the book stores reading about it and working on my toilet at home. So why do I need to have a certificate saying that I'm a plumber? The cert, simply shows that you adhered to a specific curriculum and passed the test. That is what the cert does. It may also allow you to pursue other knowledge based classes within that org. If those classes don't interest you, then fine.
Taylor Nicholas, who won their world championship a couple of years ago, trained with our instructors. Like any other org you will have great athletes and you will have piss poor athletes. I personally don't look at 100 great athletes from 100 different schools and say wow ATA/KKW/ITF/ITA...know their crap! Even a blind squirel will eventually find a nut.

I prefer to look at several students from an individual school and draw a conclusion on the individual school not the org.
As I hope you don't lump all KKW/WTF people together.