Tae Kwon Do Thailand

Damian Mavis

Master Black Belt
Well wish me luck and success, tomorrow I open 2 of my 3 new ITF TKD branches and open the 3rd one on Saturday. I'm very excited and for some reason a little scared... don't know why success is scary, maybe it's the fear of failure, I am not sure. There is alot of TKD in Thailand but I will be first ITF TKD school here. I will also be the first TKD school under the Ministry of Education and will have certificates issued by the government. The other TKD schools are all under the Sports Association and are all pressured to make people test very quickly and have supervisors come do really bad testings for each school and take a fee. Luckily I won't have to deal with all that and can keep my standards high. I'll let you know how it goes!

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
Watch out for any MT guys who come stompin' in and demanding you stop teaching because you're taking their students away.
No no they aren't like that. Muay Thai is the natioanal sport here and isn't worried about students, just top notch professional fighters, they don't deal with students usually. Besides if they walked in I would just show them the video of me winning my last muay thai match with spinning back kick. haha. Seriously though, being challenged by Muay Thai fighters isn't an issue here, they are all really nice. Being challenged by some WTF guys could happen though... or maybe it's just wishful thinking!

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD

Best of luck!

Also, a quick question. What exactly is the government's role in the certification process? Do they aid in testing, promotions, and other events? Is it more of a role of support?
Best o' Luck to you, Damian...I take TKD, and it's nice to see another TKD school, one that's real and not just some stupid sport, come to. Hope everything works out!

Thanks Shaolinwolf.

Thunderfoot, the government will want me to fill out a monthly journal showing the progress of each student and make sure that I am following my curriculum that they will approve. This insures that everyone has to get the required training time in unless of course I were to lie and doctor the journal... but what's the point of doing that. They will issue ceritificates when they see the journal and see who successfully passed tests for rank. They won't actually take part in testing, which is good since they wouldn't have a clue. That is exactly what I was trying to avoid by not being part of the sports association, those guys are nitwits.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
Damian Mavis said:
Thunderfoot, the government will want me to fill out a monthly journal showing the progress of each student and make sure that I am following my curriculum that they will approve. This insures that everyone has to get the required training time in unless of course I were to lie and doctor the journal... but what's the point of doing that. They will issue ceritificates when they see the journal and see who successfully passed tests for rank. They won't actually take part in testing, which is good since they wouldn't have a clue. That is exactly what I was trying to avoid by not being part of the sports association, those guys are nitwits.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD

Interesting. I never would have guessed the Thai government would be involved with Taekwondo. Thats sounds like a great selling point, the fact that they will issue certificates based on your journal. It also ensures that everyone will get an equal amount of training attention in a sense. It sounds like the government wouldn't know much about TKD. No disrespect to the Thai government, but what is the purpose of the government certification? Considering that they know little of TKD, if thats the case. Isn't the ITF certs that you provide good enough? I'm just a little confused on that part.
The alternative is the sports association being involved in MY Tae Kwon Do... they are real bad. Being part of the Ministry of Eductaion means they recognise me as a school and NOT a sport academy. Since they recognise me as a school that teaches SOMETHING, they want to keep tabs on what I'm teaching and the progress of a students learning. Everyone under the Ministry of Education gets certificates from the government so it's just a bonus that is part of the package of being under them. They can come by my school and check my books and progress to make sure I'm following my own curriculum that I set out to them. I don't mind that one bit.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
Best of Luck. Canada will miss you. You sound like all this was well planned, and very professional. Certainly no one will challenge the "White Warrior", and cannot label it as a "Mc Dojo!" :asian:
The NK ITF is hosting a World Senior Championship in Genting Highlands, Malaysia(just below thailand on the map ..FYI) on July 26th 2004. Wondering if you will be participating ...hehe
Damian Mavis said:
The alternative is the sports association being involved in MY Tae Kwon Do... they are real bad. Being part of the Ministry of Eductaion means they recognise me as a school and NOT a sport academy. Since they recognise me as a school that teaches SOMETHING, they want to keep tabs on what I'm teaching and the progress of a students learning. Everyone under the Ministry of Education gets certificates from the government so it's just a bonus that is part of the package of being under them. They can come by my school and check my books and progress to make sure I'm following my own curriculum that I set out to them. I don't mind that one bit.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD

Ah, I see now. Well in that case, thats definately a huge selling point!!! I wish Martial Arts here in the states where treated with such prestige, instead of simply a hobby. Once again, best of luck Damien!!

GOooo "Nak soo Kow"!! (my horrible translation of 'White Warrior' from Kickboxer the movie)
