I study Systema for about one year now. And although I try to understand, read, discuss on this RMA, I feel that there is still so much I don't understand.
Well, that's not quite the reason I start this thread.
I have seen the vids on the Hamilton website.
This one http://systemaclips.com/clips/wkf99.wmv (Showing Furtry in a JJJ Tournament) made me wonder. Is it really possible to recognize Systema by distinct techniques? Is it possible to recognize Systema in regulated sports tournaments in general?
As far as I understand Systema, it gives you sth. like basic principles everything is build upon. Knowledge on body motion and mechanics and therefore knowledge on the effective use of your weapons. So how would I fight against a judoka or boxer under the rules of his sports competition? Would it really look different from what he is doing? I don't think so. What may differ is the creativity that isn't confined by the knowledge of mere techniques.
Any opinions?
Greets Zitterbacke
ps. As you may have guessed, English ist not my native language. I hope I made myself comprehensible.
I study Systema for about one year now. And although I try to understand, read, discuss on this RMA, I feel that there is still so much I don't understand.
Well, that's not quite the reason I start this thread.

I have seen the vids on the Hamilton website.
This one http://systemaclips.com/clips/wkf99.wmv (Showing Furtry in a JJJ Tournament) made me wonder. Is it really possible to recognize Systema by distinct techniques? Is it possible to recognize Systema in regulated sports tournaments in general?
As far as I understand Systema, it gives you sth. like basic principles everything is build upon. Knowledge on body motion and mechanics and therefore knowledge on the effective use of your weapons. So how would I fight against a judoka or boxer under the rules of his sports competition? Would it really look different from what he is doing? I don't think so. What may differ is the creativity that isn't confined by the knowledge of mere techniques.
Any opinions?
Greets Zitterbacke
ps. As you may have guessed, English ist not my native language. I hope I made myself comprehensible.