

Purple Belt

From Pravda

Russia has started executing a contract for the delivery of five MiG-31 fighter jets to Syria. The contract has been signed by Russia’s defense export enterprise Rosoboronexport this year. Therefore, Russia resumes arms shipments to the Middle East after a short break caused with last-year’s war in Lebanon.

OK. But then it speculates...

The overall cost of MiG-31 and MiG-29M/M2 contracts with Syria is evaluated at one billion dollars.
Russia’s defense contract with Syria has already raised quite a number of questions. Specialists say that Syria cannot afford such expensive military acquisitions. They believe that Syria may probably be purchasing the planes for Iran, the Kommersant newspaper wrote.

The only problem I have is that Russia recently shipped an air defense system to Iran so why would they use subterfuge to send planes? I guess planes have an offensive capability but they could still claim they're for defense. Also, won't people figure out what really happened when they notice these planes flying in Iran? But then the article mentions a similar deal and quotes Jane's Defence Weekly which I consider a bit more credible than Pravda.

Last year Moscow and Damascus signed a contract to deliver 36 Pantsir-S1 missile complexes. Jane’s Defence Weekly, a respectable British magazine, wrote in May of the current year that Syria was going to sell at least ten of those systems to Iran before the end of 2008. Iran reportedly sponsors the deal and pays Syria’s mediation services, the magazine said.

I have a hard time understanding the how Syria benefits from an Iran/Syria connection especially when you have Hezbolla operating almost as an independent govt in neighboring Lebannon. Maybe they feel that they don't have any other allies.

There's also some interesting stuff about Mig-25's in the article for those interested.
This may seem to be a stretch...

Could it all be pointing to the destruction of Isreal? The one bond that ties all of the facists Islamic countries is their desire to wipe Isreal off the planet. That is the only tie that I can see with Syria. Since Iran is seeking nuclear power for "energy concerns" it would definitely be a red flag if they were to purchase the fighter jets from Russia. Does Russia want to see the destruction of Isreal? I am not sure, but in my view Russia is a poor country with technology to sell.
I think that the Iran-Syria link is a religious one.

The Al-Assad family that has led Syria for two generations is Alawite Muslim (aka Nusayri Muslim or Nusayris). Hafez Al-Assad came into power in the early 1970's. His son Bashar is the current leader of Syria. Syria is a predominantly Sunni Muslim population but is ruled by a non-Sunni minority (Alawites).

Whether you consider the Alawites to be "Shiite" or not, I believe the common link is that they're not Sunni and that's enough common ground for the Shiite leadership in Iran.

Just my observation
This may seem to be a stretch...

Could it all be pointing to the destruction of Isreal? The one bond that ties all of the facists Islamic countries is their desire to wipe Isreal off the planet. That is the only tie that I can see with Syria. Since Iran is seeking nuclear power for "energy concerns" it would definitely be a red flag if they were to purchase the fighter jets from Russia. Does Russia want to see the destruction of Isreal? I am not sure, but in my view Russia is a poor country with technology to sell.
Perhaps Muslims within Russia share this sentiment. By dealing arms to Israels's enemies I can see a strengthening of Russia from within.
Perhaps Muslims within Russia share this sentiment. By dealing arms to Israels's enemies I can see a strengthening of Russia from within.

Do the muslims within Russia have enough influence to persuade the government to deal with Syria and Iran? I am ignorant of the political make up within the Russian republic.
Or is Russia in an ongoing process to reassert itself as a superpower to stand up to the US and, at the current moment, there is no better way to do that than to begin providing modern arms to former customers that are in direct opposition to the US? Not to mention that fact that Russia has a long standing financial interest in the region irregardless of the fact that their customers are not our friends.
I think that the Iran-Syria link is a religious one.

The Al-Assad family that has led Syria for two generations is Alawite Muslim (aka Nusayri Muslim or Nusayris). Hafez Al-Assad came into power in the early 1970's. His son Bashar is the current leader of Syria. Syria is a predominantly Sunni Muslim population but is ruled by a non-Sunni minority (Alawites).

Whether you consider the Alawites to be "Shiite" or not, I believe the common link is that they're not Sunni and that's enough common ground for the Shiite leadership in Iran.

Just my observation

I didn't know about Al-Assad and their Alawite affiliation. Thanks.
Or is Russia in an ongoing process to reassert itself as a superpower to stand up to the US and, at the current moment, there is no better way to do that than to begin providing modern arms to former customers that are in direct opposition to the US? Not to mention that fact that Russia has a long standing financial interest in the region irregardless of the fact that their customers are not our friends.

Yep. That makes the most sense to me. The only problem is that Russia is being short-sighted IMO in supporting a soon-to-be nuc armed Islamic Theocracy so close to them. I guess they could say we were short-sighted in supporting the Mujhadeem back in the 80's.
Yep. That makes the most sense to me. The only problem is that Russia is being short-sighted IMO in supporting a soon-to-be nuc armed Islamic Theocracy so close to them. I guess they could say we were short-sighted in supporting the Mujhadeem back in the 80's.

Yeah, Russia does seem to have a self-imposed blind spot with regard to this part of the world. I can see why the USSR would be keen on securing it, they had important missile fascillities nearby in the numerous -stans they controlled. And there is the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. Controlling the region would be protecting vital assets. However, I can't see Russia displacing Iran as the dominant political entity in the region.
Iran and Syria also have a number of mutual assistance pacts that were recently signed. For example, an attack by Syria on Israel, to which Israel reponded, would bring an immediate attack on Israel by Iran. That's one of the reasons the pacts were signed in the first place, to tie Syria and Iran together against Israel.
Yep. That makes the most sense to me. The only problem is that Russia is being short-sighted IMO in supporting a soon-to-be nuc armed Islamic Theocracy so close to them. I guess they could say we were short-sighted in supporting the Mujhadeem back in the 80's.

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