Sy Hersch: Cheney drew up plans for another war with via another "Gulf of Tonkin" incident

As shocking as all of this is, Mr. Hersch said a few things and implied a few things that have confirmed some of the things that I've thought about the East Coast Left Media for a long time.

The interviewer asks him about what he wrote deep in an article about "causus belli" or the fact that he had discovered that Cheney was planning a false flag operation to draw the US into war with Vietnam. My first thought was that the interviewer surprised him with that question, because Hersch gives a brief anecdote, then looks around and asks, "How many Press are here?" See for yourself, this occurs at 1:58 in the video.

And then he goes on to tell the story and emphasize that the plans were rejected because they might cost American lives or some such. And then, he goes on for about 30 seconds on why the New Yorker's editors wouldn't put that peice up in an article of its own.

"Because the idea was rejected."


You have the VP of the United States planning to lie to the American people in order to draw us into war with Iran! I don't care if it was "rejected" the fact that the Veep was even considering something like that is criminal.

So what does that say about the East Coast Left Leaning Media Establishment?

They vet their stories. I don't know whose orders they are marching to, but make no mistake, their content is being controlled.

I had an argument with a friend of mine. He was a graduate from Colombia and he thought the NYT and the New Yorker would never do something like that...that they would report something that was newsworthy.

Apparently, the Veep coming up with plans to lie to the American people in order to get us into war with Iran isn't "newsworthy" enough.