Sword and hammer pt. 1 and 2

Well, you and Mike asked me questions, so I had to answer them... and, well, Ras was being Ras, so I had to respond to that as well. But, yeah, probably just going to kick it off again... fun times ahead!
bottom line, he used Doc Chapel to prove his ideas, and Doc turned around and said, almost verbatum "ras doesnt know ****"

there is nothing more to discuss.
Hmm, I take a couple of days off, and this is what happens?

Ras, you still haven't listened to a single thing that I have said from the beginning. That's the issue. So, to that end, I'm going to say it one more time. Do try to listen, son.

But first, to answer Mike.

Welcome to my way of looking at techniques and martial arts, my friend...

Sure. In fact, to steal out of Ras' playbook, here's one I prepared earlier (post 246, way back on page 17....):

Anything you want cleared up, just ask.

Hey Chris,

Nope, you answered my questions. Thanks. :)
Ras, please, just answer the question.

What are the principles taught in sword and hammer? If a kenpo practitioner where to demonsrtate a technique, what would make you say "Yup, that's Sword and Hammer?"

Lee, Ras was fed the tactics of Sword and Hammer by me on page 17, he still failed to get it. When he finally put something down, it was a list of Kenpo principles (not specific to any technique) that he saw in his own technique, completely missing the point of the question. He can't answer it as he doesn't understand it. I don't think we're going to get any further pressing him on it.
No, Ras, further proof that you couldn't follow the simple argument that was put to you. Your ego is your biggest problem, son. Get past it, or you'll just have less and less to offer, and less and less people to offer it to.
No, Ras, further proof that you couldn't follow the simple argument that was put to you. Your ego is your biggest problem, son. Get past it, or you'll just have less and less to offer, and less and less people to offer it to.

Says the guy who got disproved every whichaway. Every single time. And still hasn't produced that video he promised months ago. Wait...lemme guess. It's against your instructor's wishes to make videos AND coherent sensible truthful arguments too?

I followed the simple arguments you made. They ARE simple too...simply disproven, simply incorrect, simply untrue, simple nonsense. Simply something most people with any real world scrappin experience wouldn't endorse or cosign. The more you post...and the longer your posts are...the more you out yourself as being nowhere near as knowledgeable as you present yourself as being.

You are, however, highly opinionated. That's cool. Have fun with that.


Lee, Ras was fed the tactics of Sword and Hammer by me on page 17, he still failed to get it. When he finally put something down, it was a list of Kenpo principles (not specific to any technique) that he saw in his own technique, completely missing the point of the question. He can't answer it as he doesn't understand it. I don't think we're going to get any further pressing him on it.

As usual, Ras understands better than you and your cosigners combined. You guys fail to understand in any way the simplicity of and supremacy of performance. Why is that? Because I've been to where you are, you've never been to where I am.

The bottom line is PERFORMANCE.

If I perform better, against more scenarios, sooner, more skillfully, and build perpetually upon that lead with my Sword and Hammer or [ insert any technique ] than you AND my detractors do...combined...then my performance is better. Period. That's exactly precisely what I do, too. You know why I do that?

Not because of arrogance. Not because my athleticism is better than any or all of yours [ I might be the better athlete, but Idk if I am and that's not the point ] . The reason I perform better than you is because my training paradigm is better, broader, deeper, faster and superior in every way.

The reason that my training paradigm is better is because I've made cognitive connections regarding the sheer supremacy of performance that neither you nor my detractors have made. You CAN make them, but REFUSE to do so...for various reasons. Whatever those reasons are? Fine with me, no beef with them. You may be perfectly content with those reasons too, and I'm cool with that.

But...can you grapple with your Sword and Hammer? No? Can you disengage the sleeper or any other choke with your Sword and Hammer? No? Can and do you strike to any direction against any foe from any transition with your Sword and Hammer? No? Can you use your Sword and Hammer with armed with a gun, sword, knife, stick, etc etc or any combo thereof? No? Do you even THINK TO TRAIN YOUR SWORD AND HAMMER IN ANY WAY REMOTELY AS COMPREHENSIVE AS I DO? NO?

That means that you'll ALWAYS be vulnerable to things with your [ insert technique ] that I won't be. That means categorically and empirically that I will ALWAYS outperform you. So will my students. And that's the bottom line.

Any doubts? Okay. Show me that you're doing with your [ insert your technique ] that outperforms what I do. Show me that you can outperform me doing your ALTERNATING MACES...with knives. Show me how you do ALTERNATING MACES...from different blocks. Show me your Short 1 or whatever...from off your back. Show me your Sword and Hammer done standing and on the ground in EXACTLY THE SAME WAY. Show me how you achieve chokeholds with your Alternating Maces. Show me how you spar with your Attacking Mace.

Show me. No long drawn out posts. Show me your PERFORMANCE.

Thought not.

I outperform you. I out thought you. I understand better. And I will stay that way until you bridge the gap by...amping your performance.

Mate, I really couldn't be less concerned about Kenpo as my interest in martial arts lies elsewhere but, truthfully, you do your cause no good with how you approach trying to put your ideas over. Discoursing so sourly with those who attempt to illustrate why what you are saying is neither new nor un-flawed is likewise not going to do your credibility any favours.

With all candour and without rancour, rein it in a little if you wish to be taken seriously.

:chuckles: Sometimes a thirty-odd page thread is not a good sign :)
Mate, I really couldn't be less concerned about Kenpo as my interest in martial arts lies elsewhere but, truthfully, you do your cause no good with how you approach trying to put your ideas over. Discoursing so sourly with those who attempt to illustrate why what you are saying is neither new nor un-flawed is likewise not going to do your credibility any favours.

With all candour and without rancour, rein it in a little if you wish to be taken seriously.

:chuckles: Sometimes a thirty-odd page thread is not a good sign :)

This is a good post, so allow me to be clear here: the great majority of my posts and threads do not have any rancour in them. However, Chris, Twin Fist and I have a long running history of discord [ started by them, I might add ]. So please don't mistake the force with which I reply to them [ when their posts merit it ] with the general tone in my posts, or anything else associated with me.

As I pointed out previously...I have taken in and used the corrections that several dissenters, detractors, or others simply offering good suggestions via their posts [ like you have done ] took it upon themselves to send my way.

It is notable, however, that none of my detractors have reciprocated in any way.

I'm a blunt, direct talking guy. But I'm also open minded.
cuz you aint worth the time.

you have proven over and over and over, that you just dont ****ing listen. Too busy talking and listening to the sound of your own self imagined greatness.

either way, the rest of us got tired of your ******** months ago.

go peddle it elsewhere.
cuz you aint worth the time.

you have proven over and over and over, that you just dont ****ing listen. Too busy talking and listening to the sound of your own self imagined greatness.

either way, the rest of us got tired of your ******** months ago.

go peddle it elsewhere.

I would respond to this, but your own posts and opinion on the matter are so devastatingly clear and true, that I'll let you tell on yourself:

taken from THIS post on Kenpotalk.com http://www.kenpotalk.com/forum/show...word-pt-1-atacx-gym-style&p=154799#post154799

I know of what i speak because i am an ***. Always have been, and everyone that knows me will testify, I am a giant ***. And there have been many, many times when i could have shared something, helped someone, or contributed, but being an *** stopped people from giving a crap what i had to say.

dont let that happen to you.
Yeah Ras went through the same thing over here as well. He doesn't do EPKK, that is clear. What he doesn't get is he insists on using the terminology and technique names, while giving many the impression he is fixing EPKK. His teaching method from a systemic perspective is also extremely flawed, and there is a great deal of knowledge he doesn't have. He sees what he does as just a series of technique movements, and insists we don't understand him and puts up a bunch a videos that confirm what we already know, that many before him have done - with the same amount of success. But, everyone has to be comfortable in their method, and the smart figure out when it is no good - eventually - ​I hope.

eat it
Yeah Ras went through the same thing over here as well. He doesn't do EPKK, that is clear. What he doesn't get is he insists on using the terminology and technique names, while giving many the impression he is fixing EPKK. His teaching method from a systemic perspective is also extremely flawed, and there is a great deal of knowledge he doesn't have. He sees what he does as just a series of technique movements, and insists we don't understand him and puts up a bunch a videos that confirm what we already know, that many before him have done - with the same amount of success. But, everyone has to be comfortable in their method, and the smart figure out when it is no good - eventually - ​I hope.

eat it

Uhhhh...John. If you're going to actually quote what Doc's opinion of me is...then, tell the whole truth. Stop lying just to make yourself feel better. You're coming off even as even more childish and spiteful than usual. Doc certainly scolded me and we jousted and STILL joust. That's good. He also offered advice to me and ended his public comments to me with:"...you're a bright young man with huge upside potential...you gone be aight...eventually..." http://www.kenpotalk.com/forum/showthread.php?13720-Question-For-Doc&p=157932#post157932

So stop telling lies, man. Me and Doc connect on levels that you couldn't hope to connect on...and these levels aren't wrapped up in solely shared martial history or the nearness of our location to one another. I talked to one of his top international representatives for 3 hours and we built a strong and growing bridge of communication and respect for each others' knowledge ability and character...even in the areas that we disagree with one another.

Try not to hate, John.

Honestly, John...why would you behave in such a silly, childish, rude, pathetic manner? Aren't you like 20 years older than me? Yet I'm clearly the mature adult in our conversation. I just want to know why you're behaving like this. Wait...didn't you answer this query already?

I believe you answered with conviction:

I am a giant ***. dont let that happen to you.

And there you have it.

I am happy to state with resounding accuracy truth and honesty that I have not will not and cannot ever be emulate or act like an ***. I have scrupulously observed your admonition. Thank you.

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