Ras, you have a tendancy to use a lot of words to say very little. But, for fun, let's pull apart what you've put down this time. This ain't gonna be a short one....
Okay I usually don't respond to these kinds of posts, but let me clear this up right now:
Well, the post wasn't directed at you, but go for it.
when I use phrases like "craptastic' and "dooficity"? They're tongue in cheek phrases; I'm not actually dissing you. Maybe where you're from such terminology is genuinely insulting. Where I'm from? That mess IS FUNNY and NOT VIEWED as a personal attack. If you took it otherwise? Then I'm man enough to offer you a direct apology for such right now. If I truly insult you? You'll know. And there won't be a "craptastic" word in sight, regardless of the "dooficity" level of the offending action which caused my response.
Er, did you read that through before posting it? You've basically said that you apologize for insulting me, then immediately go ahead and repeat the insult, albeit in the form of an implied prediction of my response. Nice.
As far as my evidence is concerned? I have quoted the very author of Kenpo himself since pg 5 and have been championing the position that his writings clearly denote since page 1. I have presented video evidence. I have quoted the senior ranking Kenpo Elders including Doc Chapel and The Tracys. NONE of the evidence quoted supports your position...and in fact? ALL OF THE EVIDENCE directly repudiates your position and anything like it.
Ras, you have yet to actually address my points from page one, let alone provide anything that "repudiates" it. The simple fact that my major issue is that you don't seem to understand the way martial techniques are structured is shown in your inability to actually address that point.. but I'm going to challenge your interpretation of the very evidence you've provided in a moment, just to try to guide you to what has been said for now 25 pages.
You don't understand what The Ideal Phase Analytical Process is. I proved since page 6 that I was right by the very definition of Mr. Parker's verbatim analysis.
Actually, from reading the words that you've provided, and seeing the way you have interpreted them, I'd say you're making a few leaps and are trying to use them to justify your approach, rather than actually following the essence of what is being said.
Does it not strike anyone besides me as more than strange what's going on here? Chris is a non-Kenpo man who is arguing with a 34 year long Kenpo practitioner about a art Chris DOES NOT PRACTICE...EVEN AFTER THE FOUNDER OF THE ART HE DOESN'T PRACTICE HAS WRITTEN WORKS REPUDIATING CHRIS AND AFFIRMING THE MASTER RANK KENPO PRACTITIONER WHO HE'S ARGUING WITH?
I don't have to be a Kenpo guy to be able to understand the structure of techniques and martial arts, Ras. Nor to look at what you're doing and say what the issues are with it. Can I discuss how well it suits Kenpo principles? No, but I'm not doing that. My practice of Kenpo or not isn't an issue... and doesn't change the criticisms and arguments that I've been making.
That's beyond wrong. And sir, I would think that if anyone was being immature? It certainly isn't me.
You use a childish vocabulary, refuse to listen to anyone, and speak with a self centred delusion of grandeur (we'll cover this in a moment), so, no Ras. It is you.
My detractors have no place to turn factually. All of you in the silent majority watching this thread? Behold the words of Mr. Parker affirming my position and atomically annihilating the position of my detractors.
This is what I'm referring to, Ras. Your worldview has you with detractors, fans, silent majorities who remarkably agree with you, and constantly "destroy/annihilate/crush" with your arguments... except that you don't. The only thing you actually do is put down a lot of words, nothing you have ever posted has definitively proven anything, it's been opinion at best, and rather flawed in more than a few occasions.
Ras, the idea of "me against the world" that you're putting forth is frankly born from a desire to be a childish fantasy... you're the only one who's "right", all those who disagree with you are your "detractors" (a diplomatic term for opponent, or enemy, really), if you say something in support of yourself then that "destroys" the opposition (whether it does or not... most of the time, it's fairly lacking to be honest), and so on. You're on an online forum, you don't have detractors, you have people who are engaged in a discussion or argument. You aren't the lone righteous warrior leading the rest of the community out of the darkness of ignorance, you're a guy who has a particular approach, and doesn't have the depth of understanding to even grasp the argument put to you. You really aren't that important, or that good. Again, grow up. This is the immaturity you're displaying.
The Ideal Phase Analytical Technique Process...is a PROCESS. It's NOT a technique. Like I've been telling you guys over and over again for 23 pages now. The above quote is located on page 6 of this thread. My detractors have been ignoring this quote in their near rabid attempt to prove me wrong for over 17 pages on this thread alone. If they were actually objectively pursuing truth and engaging in a discussion purely for factual merit? Then this thread would have halted long ago. All of the requisite info had long been displayed.
Well, let's look at that, shall we? Looking at the "standard" form of Sword and Hammer as the Ideal Phase version, we'll go back to the definition you gave for it:
(p.66) IDEAL PHASE- This is Phase I of the analytical process of dissecting a technique.
It requires structuring an IDEAL technique by selecting a combat situation that you wish to analyze. Contained within the technique should be fixed moves of defense,offense, and the anticipated reactions that can stem from them. This PHASE strongly urges the need to analyze techniques from THREE POINTS OF VIEW.
Leaving off your insistence on praising yourself (in the "What If" Phase, interjecting things like "sounds a lot like what you've accomplished Ras"... from yourself... and you wonder why we think you're arrogant), you're rather off in your entire interpretation of things. Your take on what the phase (and specifically the standard form of Sword and Hammer) should be misses each point along the way. Your take on what you consider flaws in the original form are downright incorrect. For example you are claiming that the standard form doesn't address the power put into the grab... uh, yes it does, Ras. That's that covering grab for physical and psychological control, you know, the one you don't have because you don't get what it's for. But the big thing is that you seem to be reading this as "choose an attack, and then do whatever you think could work"... which is not the way I'd interpret the entire process.
Instead, I would posit that the process starts with the standard form (in this case, of course, Sword and Hammer), which provides a framework, strategically and tactically, for handling a form of attack or assault. In this case (the Ideal Phase), the technique is studied as it is, without variation in order to understand the tactics and strategies it is representing. From there, you move onto the "What If" Phase, in which you look at contingencies and fail-safes. You then return to the original, and use the deeper knowledge and insight gained from the "What If" Phase to go back and improve the original form, ensuring that there is a greater chance for success. Finally, you get to the "Equation Formula", which gives you a set of basic options to adapt and find your own expression... but the key is that the basic technique, in terms of strategies and tactics, is still there.
What you have done, though, is to take the original, decide the attack isn't something you think would happen, change that completely, and then throw away every aspect of the strategies and tactics that Sword and Hammer was teaching you in the first place. That is not following the criteria you set out, it's deciding that you know more than the technique is teaching... not dissimilar to deciding that an algebra class should be teaching calculus, as you think it's a better form of mathematics.
But no. Here they go making the same arguments over and over again as if there is any merit whatsoever in their positions.
I'm sorry, what? We're making the same argument over and over again? You have yet to address the first ones, for one thing, but seriously, you've posted the same thing (often just copying and pasting over and over again), with the same videos consistently throughout the thread!
Their most recent arguments dealt with the multiple variants and difference in my tech's expression as opposed to theirs. One of my good friends actually referenced the outstanding teacher Mr. Sumner and the Tracys as part of his argument. I then replied with evidence drawn from The Tracys themselves that YES my version not only doesn't have to look like theirs but has been sanctioned by Professor Chow [ Mr. Parker's teacher] Sensei Oshita [ Mr. Parker's other teacher, a female karate master ] Mr. Parker aaaand the Tracys visavis The 50 Ways to Sunday practicing method. Something I've been saying for nearly a year now.
Uh, if we're just making the same arguments over and over again, how can we be then having "their most recent arguments"?
But to the point, the idea of "50 Ways to Sunday" is not that you just abandon the actual lessons of the technique, it's that you garner the ability to adapt and apply the technique (specifically it's tactics) to a much wider variety of situations, angles, circumstances etc. And that's not what you're doing by ignoring the basic premises of the technique in lieu of what you think is more realistic, which realistically is actually just a completely different animal altogether.
So we have proof that the model my detractors champion is NOT and NEVER COULD BE a definitive combat model. It came about as a loose guideline that was meant to help instructors craft THEIR OWN Ideals, not create an inflexible expression for all of Kenpo as a whole to slavishly copy and emulate. This info comes from Mr. Parker's own quotes while defining The Ideal Phase Analytical Technique PROCESS and from all of the above Kenpo Elders including Doc Chapel...the ranking Kenpo Elder on this site.
No, we don't have proof, we have your interpretation of what you think was meant, which involves you either ignoring what a technique teaches, or being ignorant of it in the first place.
Pish tosh, says our non-Kenpo friend Chris Parker and all those who agree with him.
Actually, I hadn't addressed this aspect yet, so no, I hadn't said "pish tosh", or anything similar. This attempt to paint my words is rather desperate, wouldn't you say?
We have proof on the preceding page [ lifted from their own site, with links to boot ] from the Tracys that my method has been enshrined since prior to the birth of nearly everyone on this site.
Hogwash, says our non-Kenpo friend Chris Parker and all those who agree with him.
Except they're wrong...again...as they have been every step of the way. Observe.
I then point out that I can do my Sword and Hammer on the ground exactly as I do it standing up.
IMPOSSIBLE, cry my detractors.
I've already done it, I reply. Observe the proof:
Seriously, Ras, get over yourself. What was said was that there aren't any techniques that suit all circumstances, not that you can't do your own technique and adapt it to the ground. Additionally, the page you linked I read as supporting our contention that you stay true to the technique, which you haven't done. It states that the approach of "What If" is to find answers within the technique for a range of possibilities, not to drop everything and start again from scratch.
Then my detractors go back to crying that what I did isn't Sword and Hammer because it doesn't look like the version they know...completely ignoring the fact that they version that they champion isn't Sword and Hammer and never was. It was just a guideline so that their instructors would make THEIR OWN Sword and Hammer, and most Kenpo instructors dropped the ball in this area. The fact that I have NOT dropped the ball should be cause for CONGRATULATIONS...not recrimination, my martial brethren.
No, it isn't a version of Sword and Hammer as you have put up as a comparison, because it isn't. It shares no common ground in any of the important ways. Coming up with your own using the base form as a guideline means that you use it as a guideline, not denigrate it and ignore it completely with some overblown sense of self importance the way you have. I mean, come on, Ras, "I should be congratulated"...? Dude. Get over yourself.
You know...if you have a guy who can make a specific shot vs the bad guys no matter what position he's in? They'd say he's a helluva pistolero. If you have a boxer that can jab the crab out of you no matter where he is and no matter what you do? They'd say that guy has one helluva jab. But if you have a Sword and Hammer and can do it pretty much no matter what...some people will say that you aren't doing Sword and Hammer.
Ras, what on earth are you talking about? If someone has a killer jab, and uses that jab to great effect, sure. But if they're kicking the hell out of your legs, you don't say "wow, that's a great jab!" You are performing a technique that has even less similarity to the regular Sword and Hammer than a round kick to the thigh has to a lead jab. That's the damn point, and has been said since page one. I really can't believe you don't get that yet.
I say to them that they don't know what Sword and Hammer is. And they don't grasp the works of the masters on this matter. And bottom line? That's their right NOT to do so...even if they're absolutely sold on the idea that they're right [despite the writings of Ed Parker, The Tracys, and the ranking Kenpo Elder on this site squarely repudiating them ]. Because...bottom line? My tech works. The science, the experience, the skill, all the laudable things that my detractors claim is absent from this tech are actually there in hugely copious amounts. It satisfies every possible definition of The Ideal Phase Analytical Technique as written by Mr. Parker. It is solidly in lockstep with the Tracys and Doc's writings on the matter. It is undoubtedly Kenpo and high quality Kenpo at that.
You miss every beat of Sword and Hammer, and you're saying that others don't understand the technique? You misinterpret others comments to justify your gaps in your approach, but it's other that don't understand the masters comments? And whether ot not your technique works, believe it or not, is not even what the point is. After all, a left hook works, but is that the same thing as a double-leg takedown? Why not, if they both "work"? It doesn't satisfy the simple, basic idea of it being a version of Sword and Hammer, as you presented it as being, the same way that a double-leg takedown isn't a version of a left hook to the jaw. It may be Kenpo, it may be good, it may work (I have issues with it, and can see a lot of improvement that can be made, but that's not the thrust of the argument), but it just isn't in any way a version of the technique you put it up as being.
Is it EPAK? NO. First...EPAK came about as a business acronym after Mr. Parker's passing. Secondly, if your teacher and your EPAK conflates The Big Red loose guideline with THEE IDEAL PHASE TECHNIQUE AND STANDARD even though Mr. Parker squarely repudiated such an assessment and flatly denied ever wanting such a thing? Then not only am I glad to NOT be the kind of EPAK that promotes that kind of thing...I'm wondering why anyone would want to do so.
Here's the thing, though. Even if we take the idea of Big Red being loose guidelines, those loose guidelines give the structure of the tactical approach the technique is teaching. By ignoring even that, there is no connection to the standard Sword and Hammer at all. So while there are numerous ways of performing Sword and Hammer, they should all have a range of aspects that are recognizable, a set of touchstones that identify it as Sword and Hammer, otherwise it's just a whole bunch of people making up whatever they want, despite their actual knowledge, experience, or understanding of the reality needed.
If you don't study Kenpo, you don't have a horse in this race [ unless you just dislike me ] and you likely don't know what you're talking about...and you'll expose yourself with your own posts. If you don't study Kenpo and you want to know the actual history behind the confusing stuff in Kenpo? This thread has provided you concrete illuminating data on the subject; you and your confused Kenpo cousins need only the character to accept the words of the Masters on this matter and see that these Masters know whereof they speak.
So after 25 pages you've decided that you don't want to hear from anyone who doesn't train in Kenpo, and at the same time, everyone else who does train in Kenpo is doing it wrong, so their opinions don't matter either? Wow, open minded is hardly the word...
Bluntly Ras, with my background I am far more than qualified to look at a technique, understand it, see the underlying principles, tactics, strategies, movement concepts, and more, whether I've trained in Kenpo specifically or not. You have tried to turn this into why you changed things, with appeals to authority (more often than not your own words, which is bizarre enough as it is), without once addressing what makes the technique Sword and Hammer in the first place. In other words, you have shown no ability or understanding of said underlying principles, tactics, strategies, and so on in order to actually make a different version of things. Frankly you're the less informed one here.
Where any of the foregoing conflicts with the words of the Masters? They are wrong. Wherein any of the foregoing accuse The ATACX GYM of not doing Sword and Hammer? They are wrong. The data is incontrovertible, conclusive, direct, inarguable, empirical, and final.
So if you disagree with Ras, you're wrong? End of story? Dude, get over yourself. The data is not incontrovertible (you're misinterpreting a lot), it is not conclusive (as you haven't actually addressed the thrust of the argument), it is not direct (you keep going in circles), it is not inarguable (25 pages, Ras...), empirical (you keep using that word... I don't think it means what you think it means...) or final (25 pages...).
Your argument isn't that strong.
Now. Do what I did [ yes, I was wrong too. Not about The Ideal Phase Analytical Process, but I didn't know the history of Big Red, and never heard of Big Red OR Motion Kenpo until Doc schooled me ] and show the character to realign incorrect positions with the immutable truth of the matter as presented by the Masters themselves. Then go out and practice your martial arts. Find your own truth.
Your way is far from the "right" way, Ras. Have you considered, even once, what has been said to you? Honestly, I doubt it... but it does beg the question as to whether or not you would be able to "show the character to realign incorrect positions" in your own approach. Again, I doubt it. You simply don't show the understanding to see it, nor the humility to actually embrace it, even temporarily.
When you do? You won't be writing 24 and 25 page threads. You'll be on the mat. Like me.
Add up the words in this thread, Ras, then tell me who is spending more time on the thread, and who is spending more time on the mats.
I have indeed said that people who teach the IP as a combat model that is workable yet they haven't fought with it themselves and aren't requiring their students to stress test these techs on the mat are betraying their art and the trust of the public, and WHEN innocent students get hurt because of such? They should throw themselves off of a cliff. I admit it.
Say, here's a remarkable thought... what if the Ideal Phase techniques, which are specifically structured to be repeatable and contain essential lessons within their actions, aren't really supposed to be "this is a real fight" techniques? What if they are actually ways of teaching lessons that can then be adapted to a situation as needed? So the idea of an IP technique being a "true combat" technique is a false premise you're starting with, leading you to find fault due to your own inaccurate and unrealistic expectations? This is what I mean when I say you don't understand the structure of martial art techniques, Ras. Comments such as these, which basically scream it to me.
Guess what else I did? The moment that Doc presented me with the data that I presented you guys with...the Big Red, the Motion Kenpo, etc etc...I did a 180 and changed alot of what I said. I repeatedly and freely acknowledge that some of what I previously thought was incorrect and I've changed my tune permanently in that area. I have zero problem with that. Know why?
Ooh, yeah, actually. But I'll save that from public comment.
My ego isn't so invested in my opinion that I can't see concrete evidence for what it is. I'd rather be in solid alignment with the truth and the facts than "win" any "I'm right-you're wrong" shouting match or flame war.
This thread begs to differ, Ras. Strongly.
My detractors categorically lack this virtue. They have been presented with facts inarguable and irrefutable regarding the paucity of facts of each and every one of their positions. Yet they still champion their positions. Their every argument...every single one...has been denuded of salient and accurate fact, and yet they carry on as if it hasn't.
Please. "Lack this virtue"? I thought you just said your ego wasn't so invested... And you still have not addressed the very basic idea of how on earth your technique is a version of "Sword and Hammer" as you present it to us. You have not addressed what you feel is required to be found for a technique to be "Sword and Hammer". You haven't actually done anything like you claim here, you realise.
Thus far, I have proven myself to have the character to change my opinion when I'm confronted with FACTS showing that my position is incorrect. Thus far, my detractors have shown themselves to lack character of similar quality.
What? You've been presented with facts (hell, your own video examples) since page one, and have completely ignored what has been said! Instead, you've gone on some high crusade, arguing things that really don't have that much to do with the basic idea that your technique is not a "better" version of Sword and Hammer, as it bears no relationship to the former technique at all. You know, the point.
There are those who might look at how my detractors' arguments are wholly, entirely and squarely repudiated at every turn by the founder of Kenpo Karate and Kenpo's more senior practitioners, then hypothesize that a 8 year old child grasped applied and performed Sword and Hammer better than my poorly informed detractors do as grown men and full on adults. They would be correct.
Seriously, enough with the "my detractors" thing, dude, you're not that important. And really? You think that your constant claims of "devastating arguments" (hardly, Ras) then means that people reading will turn around and say that, sure, an 8 year old child will understand martial technique, strategy, principle, philosophy, tactics, and so on better than adults who have spent many times the age of that child simply training in the first place? You really do have a reality disconnect, don't you? Besides, that wasn't really the point I was making. It was more about the emotional and mental development and maturity of an 8 year old.
Furthermore, in the streets that I come from? Plenty of BGs have plenty plenty plenty of fighting experience and training. It is a fatal assumption to assume otherwise. In fact, fighting knowledge--as in genuine training in boxing, football, penitentiary style infighting and ambushes, etc--is so common amongst the BGs in the hoods that I come from and maaaannnny other hoods in the USA? Assuming that they DON'T know is a potentially fatal mistake. There are plenty of Kimbo Slices out there...with football experience, penitentiary experience, guns knives and homeboyz. These are the professional and experienced BGs who make names for themselves in various gangs or just in their own tightly knit klikk and they will zero on you as a target. Sometimes for no reason.
Except, of course, that that is incredibly different to what you were saying. You were intimating that they would get used to your particular style and delivery, your rhythms and approaches, and then they'd start to develop counters to your specific techniques. That is only realistic in a sporting environment. And if you don't get that, well, there's another reality disconnect for you.
And dude, the crazy spelling, extended words etc just makes you seem like a kid writing, and makes it hard to read. You want to be treated like the rest of the grown ups? There's a start point for you.
Wherever you live? I'm glad that you may not have to face that and that it's not part of your reality. It's part of mine. It's part of my childhood. It's very very realistic for me and mine. You're blessed that it's not the case for you.
Yes, you live in the hardest, toughest, most dangerous place in the world, got it. Still, that doesn't change the gaps in your concept.
As for why I keep the handsword and hammerfirst? Answered on page 5 or 6 of this thread, post #65 I believe...
No, you put down how you chose them for that approach, but your exact comment was "I had to find another way...
while still preserving the use of the handsword and hammerfist", which carries the implication that you feel that those particular fists are part of what is required for your technique to be a version of the original Sword and Hammer. That's the point, Ras, I want to know what you feel are the necessary ingredients that make yours a version of the former, whether better or not is kinda beside the point.
One more time... What is it that makes the technique Sword and Hammer at all?
That's the question you have not been able to answer, which is why I say you don't have any real understanding of the structure of martial arts techniques.
Not only can I answer all of these questions, I will direct you to the definitive source for answers on this matter when you ask questions beyond what I answer in my own ATACX GYM. The matter is very simple and I'm very very surprised that you didn't find the answer IMMEDIATELY as the answers predates our birth and became public knowledge and public record nearly 3 decades ago.
If you can answer, answer. Don't give this run around with nothing backing it up.
Is there anyone else who agrees even partially with Chris Parker?
Quite a few here, from the looks of things Ras....
Who agrees with this position? Anyone who agrees...please THANK Chris for this comment. This way I know who to respond to. Thank u.
Here's a thing, how about you respond to those who are bothering to respond in the thread?
What I'm intrigued by are your "silent majority", people who are presumably members here (they've sent you PM's you stated), but haven't entered into the thread, they haven't been putting any thanks down, they haven't contributed or supported you at all, other than in your claims.... one might think they don't really exist. On the other hand, the majority of actual contributors to the thread can see what I've been saying from the first page (that your technique bears little to no connection or resemblance to the original you're trying to contrast it with), which is something you still haven't been able to address satisfactorily, nor state why you think they're the same.