Surgery went well today.........


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After 6 months of dealing with a torn meniscus in my right knee I had surgery to repair it today. So far so good..........
We can rebuild him! We can make him stronger!
Thanks to all of you. The injury is totally unrelated to martial arts, and happened over last summer while doing yard work.
All the years in karate, and the back yard did me in, by stepping in a pothole and jamming my knee twice over a few weeks. That coupled with pushing the treadmill thing too much, and that was it.
The doctor did say that other then age related wear, the knees were in fairly good shape. Plus one for martial arts and years of stretching for keeping the body going..............:)
Thanks to all of you. The injury is totally unrelated to martial arts, and happened over last summer while doing yard work.
All the years in karate, and the back yard did me in, by stepping in a pothole and jamming my knee twice over a few weeks. That coupled with pushing the treadmill thing too much, and that was it.
The doctor did say that other then age related wear, the knees were in fairly good shape. Plus one for martial arts and years of stretching for keeping the body going..............:)
I swear sometimes it seems the mat is the safest place to be. I got 14 stitches in my ankle falling off my bike. lol.
Best of luck with your recovery.

I hope you learned your lesson. Yard work is dangerous! Pay the neighbor kid to do it. :)
Crazy as it sounds, for me also. As hard as we trained and sparred, I got hurt outside of the dojo more often.
Please be sure to follow the advice of your physician carefully during rehab. I used to be a licensed massage therapist and one of the most common types of injury I had to treat were those from people who either did not finish rehab or those who overdid things too soon and reinjured themselves.

The program we always followed was to allow time for healing, then to incorporate light stretching to be increased slowly, and then (and only then!) to begin strengthening and to increase that slowly also. I have never seen injury problems in people who followed that plan, and I saw tons of them in folks who didn't. So please don't be too quick to get back to strength work!
Good luck with the recovery. I hope its a speedy one! :)
Please be sure to follow the advice of your physician carefully during rehab. I used to be a licensed massage therapist and one of the most common types of injury I had to treat were those from people who either did not finish rehab or those who overdid things too soon and reinjured themselves.

The program we always followed was to allow time for healing, then to incorporate light stretching to be increased slowly, and then (and only then!) to begin strengthening and to increase that slowly also. I have never seen injury problems in people who followed that plan, and I saw tons of them in folks who didn't. So please don't be too quick to get back to strength work!
Thanks for the great advice. I do tend to be one of those individuals that feels you can work through the pain, and rush the healing along. When I got home this morning from the one day surgery, I felt great until the meds wore off. Right now the leg is elevated with ice. It is hard to teach an old dog new tricks, but the wife is helping out there. :)
The doctor did say that other then age related wear, the knees were in fairly good shape. Plus one for martial arts and years of stretching for keeping the body going..............:)
They always like to remind us of the age thing, but the alternative is much worse! Good luck with your recovery.
Glad to hear that things went well, my friend.

I also am one of those stubborn so-and-soes who, despite how much I might whine about the pain, will tend to keep pushing at it - the theory being, I think, to prove that I am more stubborn than it and I wont be bossed around :lol:.

With my recent bout of adhesive capsulitis tho', my phsio reiterated so often that if I worked my shoulder too hard I would make it worse and end up having to have surgery to fix it, that, amazing at is seems, I actually listened to her and took it steady :).
Heal well, good sir. And listen to your Physical Therapist like you listened to your first instructor.
Good luck with healing quickly and well. I had knee surgery a couple of years ago to repair damage caused by being hit by a car. It does take time.

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