Supreme court judge might get owned on his own decision...

That's hilarious. On the other hand, although I strongly disagree with the decision, both morally and legally, Souter wasn't the only Justice to vote that way and I think we should keep a person's job separate from his personal life. For example, I work for an airline. If I charge someone $25 extra because their luggage is too heavy, it really isn't justice if someone comes to my house and takes $25 from me. The Justices are there to interpret the laws, whether they like them or not, and it's up to us as voters to elect people to the Legislative branch who will make new laws that are more acceptable. Don't get me wrong, my gut instinct is to laugh my butt off, but we have to remember that Souter isn't the one that brought that case to the Supreme Court. Now it's up to the Congress to change the laws that guided the SC to that decision.
Weare, NH is not far from where I live. It is desperately in need of a hotel. --- I don't think there is one in town. And, it's not too far from New England College in Henniker, surely, parents need a place to stay when visiting their students.

In the past, I have been mildly opposed to the 'Free State Project' ... I believe some 6,000 Libertarians have pledged to move to New Hampshire to act for smaller (non-existant) government. But, in this case, it may be a good thing.

Although, the current population growth in Southern New Hampshire is going to leave these 6,000 Libertarians very outnumbered at the polls.
michaeledward said:

In the past, I have been mildly opposed to the 'Free State Project' ... I believe some 6,000 Libertarians have pledged to move to New Hampshire to act for smaller (non-existant) government.
That would be kewl. I'd move there.

It is worth noting that the ruling mainly left the decision to restrict the power or not in the hands of the states. Quite a few have moved to block such land grabs already with brand spankin' new laws.

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