Superior Tangsoodo Ill Soo Shik - (kata bunkai)


Gonzo Karate Apocalypse
MT Mentor
Superior Tangsoodo Ill Soo Shik

Ill Soo Shik Criteria

· All Ill Soo Shik should be inspired by moves in the hyung.
· Ill Soo Shik should be no more then 3-5 moves.
· All Ill Soo Shik should end in superior position.
· All Ill Soo Shik should be simple, efficient, and effective.
· All students will be required to learn this list and make up some of their own.

Superior TSD Standardized Ill Soo Shik

White Belt

1. Uke grabs Tori’s lapels one in each hand. Uke steps in and executes a palm hook to Tori’s head and uses his/her other hand to grab Uke’s opposite side hand over the top of the fist. Tori’s striking hand should grab Uke’s other hand over the fist. Tori’s should turn body sharply in the direction of the hand that is on top in order to release the grip and moving Uke’s arm in a downward direction. Tori then peels Uke’s other hand off the lapel, stepping forward to bar Uke’s other extended arm. This Ill Soo Shik comes directly from the hyung Gi Cho Hyung Ill Bu. In particular it uses the beginning sequence where a low block is executed and is followed up by a front punch to the middle.

2. Uke steps in and punches at Tori’s head. Tori steps to the inside at 45 degrees and parries with his opposite hand. Tori then punches fist into Uke’s floating ribs. Tori then takes parrying hand and pounds down on the side of Uke’s neck at Li-18. Tori then hooks his rear leg inside and around Uke’s forward leg. Tori should also grab Uke’s lapel and striking arm at the elbow. Tori executes O uchi gari and uke falls on his/her back. This Ill Soo Shik comes directly from the hyung Gi Cho Hyung Ill Bu. In particular, it uses the beginning sequence where a low block is executed and is followed up by a front punch to the middle.

3. Uke grabs tori’s wrist on same side. Tori turns wrist so the hand is palm up and then makes a fist. Tori then slams a palm hook into Uke’s face. Tori then brings striking hand to his/her opposite ear in order to slam it downward on uke’s wrist, completing the release. Tori reaches in and grabs Uke’s shoulder with hand that was just released. Tori’s other hand slides around Uke’s waist. Tori puts his/her hip on Uke’s hip and places leg behind Uke’s leg. Tori turns to the same side that was initially grabbed and executes an O soto gari. This Ill Soo Shik was inspired by the hyung Gi Cho Hyung Ee Bu. The very first sequence where a low block is executed, followed by a high open handed strike, and a turn that rotates toward the striking side.

4. Uke strikes to the head. Tori steps to the inside at 45 degrees and parries with the hand opposite the strike. Tori then punches fist into the Uke’s floating ribs. Tori then takes the hand that just parried and slams the forearm up and into the side of Uke’s neck at St-9. Tori curls the hand that just struck around Uke’s neck and uses his/her other hand to catch Uke’s extended striking arm at the elbow. Tori pulls Uke’s neck down and pushes Uke’s elbow up in a clockwise arc. This will cause Uke to turn and fall on his back. Tori smashes and palm strike into Uke’s face as he is falling to the ground. This Ill Soo Shik is inspired by the hyung Gi Cho Hyung Ee Bu. The sequence is found at the end of the I. It begins where a high block turns into a three quarter turn and ends in a low block and is promptly followed up by a front punch.

5. Uke executes a round house kick. Tori steps inside and thrusts opposite side hand into Uke’s leading shoulder. Tori should catch Uke’s leg in the crook of his/her elbow at or around Uke’s knee. Tori then moves in and hooks forward leg around Uke’s remaining leg and grabs Uke’s label. Tori executes O uchi gari and throws Uke to the ground. This Ill Soo Shik comes from the hyung Gi Cho Hyung Sam Bu. In particular, the beginning sequence where an inside out block is executed and followed up by a front punch to the middle.

6. Uke executes a front kick. Tori turns body and steps to the outside using opposite arm to guide kick past his body. Tori then steps in behind Uke getting really low into horse stance. Tori’s far foot should be outside Uke’s far foot if possible. Tori uses body to pin Uke’s forward arm and reaches in front of Uke to grasp Uke’s far knee. Tori reaches down with arm that parried and grasps Uke’s pants on the leg that just kicked. Tori executes Suquee Nage. This Ill Soo Shik comes from the hyung Gi Cho Hyung Sam Bu. In particular, the sequence where a low block is transitioned into a side punch.

Green Belt

7. Uke grabs Tori’s wrist on the same side. Tori slams opposite hand into Uke’s face and turns his grasped wrist palm up. Tori completes the release and reaches up to grab Uke’s arm. Tori’s other hand grasps Uke’s lapel. Tori steps to the outside of Uke’s leg and executes an O Soto Gari. This Ill Soo Shik comes from the hyung Pyung Ahn Cho Dan. In particular the sequence that starts in low block, moves to the wrist release, moves to the hammer strike, and finishes with a front punch.

8. Uke grabs Tori’s lapel and draws back hand to punch. Tori blocks the punch with his same side hand and uses his other hand to grab Uke’s elbow. Tori lifts Uke’s elbow and begins to pull and turn taking away Uke’s leverage to strike again. Tori keeps turning and uses blocking arm to thrust around Uke’s waist. Tori inserts his/her hip and executes O Goshi. This Ill Soo Shik comes from the hyung Pyung Ahn Cho Dan. In particularly the sequence at the end of the I where a front punch is executed, followed by a three quarter turn into a double low knife hand.

9. Uke punches to the head. Tori steps to the outside and uses his opposite hand to hook around Uke’s wrist. Tori then uses his/her other arm to pull and draw Uke’s striking arm into an arm bar at the waist. This technique should bend Uke over so that when Tori executes a side kick to Uke’s nearest leg, he/she should be driven to their knees. This Ill Soo Shik comes from the hyung Pyung Ahn Ee Dan. In particular, the first section at the top of the eye where there is a drawing in motion and a side kick.

10. Uke punches to the head. Tori steps out at a 45 degree angle and uses his/her same side arm to parry the blow. Simultaneously, Tori smashes his/her palm into Uke’s solar plexus. Tori then steps in on Uke and uses the hand that just strike to strike the side of Uke’s neck. Simultaneously, Tori uses the arm that parried to slam a palm strike into Uke’s short ribs. Tori then grabs Uke’s extended striking arm and begins to pull and turn. Tori reaches around with his/her other hand and grasps Uke around the waist. Tori keeps turning, inserts his/her hip and executes O goshi. This Ill Soo Shik comes from the hyung Pyung Ahn Ee Dan. In particular, the double knife hand series at the far end of the I from the starting point of the hyung.

11. Uke executes a front kick. Tori steps at 45 degrees to the inside and uses opposite arm to parry the kick. Then, Tori uses the parrying arm and his/her off hand to strike the side of the neck and the short ribs respectively. Tori uses the hand that just struck the short ribs to encircle Uke’s waist. Meanwhile, the other hand grasps Uke’s shoulder. Tori pulls Uke’s shoulder and turns his/her hips in order to insert them. Tori executes O goshi. This Ill Soo Shik comes from the hyung Pyung Ahn Sam Dan. In particular, the section down the middle where a reinforced inside out block is transitions to a middle spear hand strike, and turns into a spinning hammer fist.

12. Uke grabs Tori in a bear hug from behind. Tori drops his/her weight and turns sharply driving an elbow into Uke’s stomach. Tori, simultaneously, punches uke in the face with his/her other arm. Using the punching arm, Tori grabs Uke’s shoulder. Using the elbowing arm, Tori hooks Uke’s shoulder with the crook of the elbow. Tori executes Seionage. This Ill Soo Shik comes from the hyung Pyung Ahn Sam Dan. In particular, the section at the end of the I where an elbow and a punch are performed in horse stance and then transitioned to the opposite elbow and punch.

Red Belt

13. Uke punches to the head. Tori steps to the inside at 45 degrees and simultaneously blocks and counters with the same side hand parrying the strike and the off hand striking Uke’s face. Tori hooks Uke’s punching arm pulling it in to the off hand where Koto Gaye Osh is used to take Uke down. This Ill Soo Shik comes from the hyung Pyung Ahn Sa Dan. In particular, this is the opening move in the form and the move where it transitions into the low double downward block.

14. Uke charges and grabs for Tori’s throat. Tori executes a double handed spread block to the inside of Uke’s arms and closes the distance with Uke. Tori drives his/her knee into Uke’s groin, bending Uke over. Next, Tori uses the hand that is on the same side as knee technique to grasp the chin. The other hand grasps behind Uke’s head. Tori turns away from the side that executed the knee technique pulling down with the hand behind the head and pushing up with the hand on the chin. Uke should tap when he/she feels a neck crank and Uke will fall to his back. This Ill Soo Shik comes from the hyung Pyung Ahn Sa Dan. In particular, this is the closing move in the form, where a knee strike is executed, followed by a three quarter turn into a mid level double knife hand.

15. Uke punches to the middle. Tori steps to the side and uses his same side arm to parry the strike. Simultaneously, he uses his off hand to punch Uke’s solar plexus. Tori uses punching hand to grab the shoulder of the arm that Uke punched with. Tori’s other arm remains extended underneath Uke’s attacking arm. Tori pulls the shoulder and twists so that Uke bends down. Meanwhile Tori’s other arm catches Uke’s arm in the crook of the elbow. Tori continues twisting body and turning Uke’s arm until Ude Garuma is executed. This Ill Soo Shik comes from the hyung Pyung Ahn O Dan. This is the opening sequence where a middle block turns into a reverse middle punch and is followed up by a drawing in technique.

16. Uke punches to the head. Tori steps inside and uses same side hand to parry the blow and simultaneously uses the off hand to strike the head with a back fist. Tori’s parrying hand then thrust down hard to palm strike the dantien bending Uke over. Tori grasps the back of Uke’s head on the same side as the hand that just executed the backfist. Tori’s other hand draws up and grasps the chin. Tori pulls up on the chin and down on the back of the head. Uke taps when he feels a neck crank and falls to the ground. This Ill Soo Shik comes from the hyung Pyung Ahn O Dan. In particular, the end of the form where the double block is performed, followed by the double high low spread block.

17. Uke grabs Tori’s opposite side wrist. Tori connects the grasped wrist with his other hand securing the fingers and preventing escape. Tori sweeps grasped arm inside out and bends Uke’s wrist around the back of his arm. Tori executes Ni Kyo and drives Uke to the ground where he/she taps. Tori then executes a front kick and knocks Uke over. This Ill Soo Shik comes from the hyung Bassai Dai. In particular, this is the opening move in the hyung where a reinforced inside outside block is executed.

18. Uke hook punches for Tori’s face from an arms length away. Tori steps in and parries with the same side, simultaneously punches with the other hand to the short ribs. Tori grabs Uke’s elbow with the parrying hand and lapel with the punching hand. Tori pulls elbow and twists body so other leg can step in. The leg opposite the arm pulling shoots out in front of both Uke’s legs and Tori executes Tai O toshi. This Ill Soo Shik comes from the hyung Bassai Dai. In particular, the sequence at the very end where there is a double strike, a three quarter turn, and a low inside outside block.

19. Uke hook punches to Tori’s face from an arm’s length away. Tori steps inside and uses same side hand to parry. His other hand simultaneously strikes Uke’s face. Tori uses parrying hand to grab Uke’s arm and striking hand to grab Uke’s lapel. Tori turns and pulls Uke’s arm and steps in with the other foot. Tori then executes Harai Goshi. This Ill Soo Shik comes from the hyung Bassai Sho. In particular, the sequence at the very end of the I is used. A double knife hand strike is executed and the back hand sweeps around to grasp the for hand. Then a twisting side kick is executed.

20. Uke punches at Tori’s head. Tori steps outside and executes a parry with both hands. The hand that is nearest to Uke, shoots forward and strikes the eyes, while the off hand hooks around the wrist. Tori pivots backward on the forward foot and pulls Uke into an arm bar. Tori regrabs Uke’s wrist and pivots backward on the back foot executing Koto Gaye Osh and throwing Uke to the ground. This Ill Soo Shik comes from the hyung Bassai Sho. In particular, the sequence at the very end of the hyung is used. When one double double knife hand strike transitions into the other double double knife hand.

21. Uke executes a side kick to Tori’s middle. Tori steps outside and sweeps arm around the guide the kick on by. Once behind Uke, Tori executes a kick with his/her back leg to the back of Uke’s knee. This will knock Uke backward. Tori’s rear arm snakes under Uke’s chin until it rests in the crook of the arm. That same arm grabs the crook of Tori’s other arm and that arm twists around the back of the head. Uke taps when the rear naked choke is applied. This Ill Soo Shik comes from the hyung Naihanchi Chodan. In particular, the middle block with the kick that transitions into a twisted middle block with the fist at the elbow.

22. Uke punches to the head. Tori steps in and blocks the punch with the same side and strikes with a forearm strike to Uke’s floating ribs. Tori reaches up with the striking hand pulls Uke’s head into a horizontal elbow strike. Tori regrabs Uke’s head with the elbow striking arm wrapping around Uke’s head and the other hand grabbing the chin. Tori pulls down with the top hand and up with the hand grasping the chin and at the same time draws Uke across his/her body. Uke taps when he feels the neck crank. This Ill Soo Shik comes from the hyung Naihanchi Chodan. In particular, very first sequence where the hands cross, the arm comes out to grab for an elbow strike, and a low block and reverse punch are executed.
I'll be making new videos of every single one of these Bunkai in the future. For now, what do you think?
upnorthkyosa said:
1. Uke grabs ToriÂ’s lapels one in each hand. Uke steps in and executes a palm hook to ToriÂ’s head and uses his/her other hand to grab UkeÂ’s opposite side hand over the top of the fist. ToriÂ’s striking hand should grab UkeÂ’s other hand over the fist. ToriÂ’s should turn body sharply in the direction of the hand that is on top in order to release the grip and moving UkeÂ’s arm in a downward direction. Tori then peels UkeÂ’s other hand off the lapel, stepping forward to bar UkeÂ’s other extended arm. This Ill Soo Shik comes directly from the hyung Gi Cho Hyung Ill Bu. In particular it uses the beginning sequence where a low block is executed and is followed up by a front punch to the middle.

Here is Required Ill Soo Shik 1.


upnorthkyosa said:
2. Uke steps in and punches at ToriÂ’s head. Tori steps to the inside at 45 degrees and parries with his opposite hand. Tori then punches fist into UkeÂ’s floating ribs. Tori then takes parrying hand and pounds down on the side of UkeÂ’s neck at Li-18. Tori then hooks his rear leg inside and around UkeÂ’s forward leg. Tori should also grab UkeÂ’s lapel and striking arm at the elbow. Tori executes O uchi gari and uke falls on his/her back. This Ill Soo Shik comes directly from the hyung Gi Cho Hyung Ill Bu. In particular, it uses the beginning sequence where a low block is executed and is followed up by a front punch to the middle.

Here is Required Ill Soo Shik 2.


upnorthkyosa said:
3. Uke grabs toriÂ’s wrist on same side. Tori turns wrist so the hand is palm up and then makes a fist. Tori then slams a palm hook into UkeÂ’s face. Tori then brings striking hand to his/her opposite ear in order to slam it downward on ukeÂ’s wrist, completing the release. Tori reaches in and grabs UkeÂ’s shoulder with hand that was just released. ToriÂ’s other hand slides around UkeÂ’s waist. Tori puts his/her hip on UkeÂ’s hip and places leg behind UkeÂ’s leg. Tori turns to the same side that was initially grabbed and executes an O soto gari. This Ill Soo Shik was inspired by the hyung Gi Cho Hyung Ee Bu. The very first sequence where a low block is executed, followed by a high open handed strike, and a turn that rotates toward the striking side.

Here is Required Ill Soo Shik 3.


upnorthkyosa said:
4. Uke strikes to the head. Tori steps to the inside at 45 degrees and parries with the hand opposite the strike. Tori then punches fist into the UkeÂ’s floating ribs. Tori then takes the hand that just parried and slams the forearm up and into the side of UkeÂ’s neck at St-9. Tori curls the hand that just struck around UkeÂ’s neck and uses his/her other hand to catch UkeÂ’s extended striking arm at the elbow. Tori pulls UkeÂ’s neck down and pushes UkeÂ’s elbow up in a clockwise arc. This will cause Uke to turn and fall on his back. Tori smashes and palm strike into UkeÂ’s face as he is falling to the ground. This Ill Soo Shik is inspired by the hyung Gi Cho Hyung Ee Bu. The sequence is found at the end of the I. It begins where a high block turns into a three quarter turn and ends in a low block and is promptly followed up by a front punch.

Here is Required Ill Soo Shik 4.


upnorthkyosa said:
5. Uke executes a round house kick. Tori steps inside and thrusts opposite side hand into UkeÂ’s leading shoulder. Tori should catch UkeÂ’s leg in the crook of his/her elbow at or around UkeÂ’s knee. Tori then moves in and hooks forward leg around UkeÂ’s remaining leg and grabs UkeÂ’s label. Tori executes O uchi gari and throws Uke to the ground. This Ill Soo Shik comes from the hyung Gi Cho Hyung Sam Bu. In particular, the beginning sequence where an inside out block is executed and followed up by a front punch to the middle.

Here is Required Ill Soo Shik 5.


upnorthkyosa said:
6. Uke executes a front kick. Tori turns body and steps to the outside using opposite arm to guide kick past his body. Tori then steps in behind Uke getting really low into horse stance. ToriÂ’s far foot should be outside UkeÂ’s far foot if possible. Tori uses body to pin UkeÂ’s forward arm and reaches in front of Uke to grasp UkeÂ’s far knee. Tori reaches down with arm that parried and grasps UkeÂ’s pants on the leg that just kicked. Tori executes Suquee Nage. This Ill Soo Shik comes from the hyung Gi Cho Hyung Sam Bu. In particular, the sequence where a low block is transitioned into a side punch.

Here is Required Ill Soo Shik 6.


upnorthkyosa said:
7. Uke grabs ToriÂ’s wrist on the same side. Tori slams opposite hand into UkeÂ’s face and turns his grasped wrist palm up. Tori completes the release and reaches up to grab UkeÂ’s arm. ToriÂ’s other hand grasps UkeÂ’s lapel. Tori steps to the outside of UkeÂ’s leg and executes an O Soto Gari. This Ill Soo Shik comes from the hyung Pyung Ahn Cho Dan. In particular the sequence that starts in low block, moves to the wrist release, moves to the hammer strike, and finishes with a front punch.

Here is Required Ill Soo Shik 7.


upnorthkyosa said:
8. Uke grabs ToriÂ’s lapel and draws back hand to punch. Tori blocks the punch with his same side hand and uses his other hand to grab UkeÂ’s elbow. Tori lifts UkeÂ’s elbow and begins to pull and turn taking away UkeÂ’s leverage to strike again. Tori keeps turning and uses blocking arm to thrust around UkeÂ’s waist. Tori inserts his/her hip and executes O Goshi. This Ill Soo Shik comes from the hyung Pyung Ahn Cho Dan. In particularly the sequence at the end of the I where a front punch is executed, followed by a three quarter turn into a double low knife hand.

Required Ill Soo Shik 8.


upnorthkyosa said:
9. Uke punches to the head. Tori steps to the outside and uses his opposite hand to hook around UkeÂ’s wrist. Tori then uses his/her other arm to pull and draw UkeÂ’s striking arm into an arm bar at the waist. This technique should bend Uke over so that when Tori executes a side kick to UkeÂ’s nearest leg, he/she should be driven to their knees. This Ill Soo Shik comes from the hyung Pyung Ahn Ee Dan. In particular, the first section at the top of the eye where there is a drawing in motion and a side kick.

Required Ill Soo Shik 9.


upnorthkyosa said:
10. Uke punches to the head. Tori steps out at a 45 degree angle and uses his/her same side arm to parry the blow. Simultaneously, Tori smashes his/her palm into UkeÂ’s solar plexus. Tori then steps in on Uke and uses the hand that just strike to strike the side of UkeÂ’s neck. Simultaneously, Tori uses the arm that parried to slam a palm strike into UkeÂ’s short ribs. Tori then grabs UkeÂ’s extended striking arm and begins to pull and turn. Tori reaches around with his/her other hand and grasps Uke around the waist. Tori keeps turning, inserts his/her hip and executes O goshi. This Ill Soo Shik comes from the hyung Pyung Ahn Ee Dan. In particular, the double knife hand series at the far end of the I from the starting point of the hyung.

Required Ill Soo Shik 10.


upnorthkyosa said:
11. Uke executes a front kick. Tori steps at 45 degrees to the inside and uses opposite arm to parry the kick. Then, Tori uses the parrying arm and his/her off hand to strike the side of the neck and the short ribs respectively. Tori uses the hand that just struck the short ribs to encircle UkeÂ’s waist. Meanwhile, the other hand grasps UkeÂ’s shoulder. Tori pulls UkeÂ’s shoulder and turns his/her hips in order to insert them. Tori executes O goshi. This Ill Soo Shik comes from the hyung Pyung Ahn Sam Dan. In particular, the section down the middle where a reinforced inside out block is transitions to a middle spear hand strike, and turns into a spinning hammer fist.

Required Ill Soo Shik 11.


upnorthkyosa said:
12. Uke grabs Tori in a bear hug from behind. Tori drops his/her weight and turns sharply driving an elbow into UkeÂ’s stomach. Tori, simultaneously, punches uke in the face with his/her other arm. Using the punching arm, Tori grabs UkeÂ’s shoulder. Using the elbowing arm, Tori hooks UkeÂ’s shoulder with the crook of the elbow. Tori executes Seionage. This Ill Soo Shik comes from the hyung Pyung Ahn Sam Dan. In particular, the section at the end of the I where an elbow and a punch are performed in horse stance and then transitioned to the opposite elbow and punch.

Required Ill Soo Shik 12.


upnorthkyosa said:
13. Uke punches to the head. Tori steps to the inside at 45 degrees and simultaneously blocks and counters with the same side hand parrying the strike and the off hand striking UkeÂ’s face. Tori hooks UkeÂ’s punching arm pulling it in to the off hand where Koto Gaye Osh is used to take Uke down. This Ill Soo Shik comes from the hyung Pyung Ahn Sa Dan. In particular, this is the opening move in the form and the move where it transitions into the low double downward block.

Required Ill Soo Shik 13.


upnorthkyosa said:
14. Uke charges and grabs for ToriÂ’s throat. Tori executes a double handed spread block to the inside of UkeÂ’s arms and closes the distance with Uke. Tori drives his/her knee into UkeÂ’s groin, bending Uke over. Next, Tori uses the hand that is on the same side as knee technique to grasp the chin. The other hand grasps behind UkeÂ’s head. Tori turns away from the side that executed the knee technique pulling down with the hand behind the head and pushing up with the hand on the chin. Uke should tap when he/she feels a neck crank and Uke will fall to his back. This Ill Soo Shik comes from the hyung Pyung Ahn Sa Dan. In particular, this is the closing move in the form, where a knee strike is executed, followed by a three quarter turn into a mid level double knife hand.

Required Ill Soo Shik 14.


upnorthkyosa said:
15. Uke punches to the middle. Tori steps to the side and uses his same side arm to parry the strike. Simultaneously, he uses his off hand to punch UkeÂ’s solar plexus. Tori uses punching hand to grab the shoulder of the arm that Uke punched with. ToriÂ’s other arm remains extended underneath UkeÂ’s attacking arm. Tori pulls the shoulder and twists so that Uke bends down. Meanwhile ToriÂ’s other arm catches UkeÂ’s arm in the crook of the elbow. Tori continues twisting body and turning UkeÂ’s arm until Ude Garuma is executed. This Ill Soo Shik comes from the hyung Pyung Ahn O Dan. This is the opening sequence where a middle block turns into a reverse middle punch and is followed up by a drawing in technique.

Required Ill Soo Shik 15.


upnorthkyosa said:
16. Uke punches to the head. Tori steps inside and uses same side hand to parry the blow and simultaneously uses the off hand to strike the head with a back fist. ToriÂ’s parrying hand then thrust down hard to palm strike the dantien bending Uke over. Tori grasps the back of UkeÂ’s head on the same side as the hand that just executed the backfist. ToriÂ’s other hand draws up and grasps the chin. Tori pulls up on the chin and down on the back of the head. Uke taps when he feels a neck crank and falls to the ground. This Ill Soo Shik comes from the hyung Pyung Ahn O Dan. In particular, the end of the form where the double block is performed, followed by the double high low spread block.

Required Ill Soo Shik 16.


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