Summer Specials


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
Apr 9, 2004
Reaction score
Grand Prairie Texas
Has anybody put together any summer special they are willing to tell about. With the economy the way it is and everything I wonder how is everybody bringing in new students.
summer seems to be the traditional low attendance time, for obvious reasons.

However, as parent I would love to have the scholl offer morning classes for the kids in the summer (though I do understand that being in the place from 3PM to 9PM and on Saturdays and twice during the weekday mornings for a couple of hours for the adult class, there is no desire for the instructor to up his presence there, and lets face it, kids rather sit at home in their PJs and play video games...)
Genius! That way, the parents can sign their kids up around vacation times...Good thinking Twin Fist.
I use to do a 6 weeks for $99.00 it would bring around 50 new students. the problem was that it would put a hardship on the school and the students that had been here longer didn't care for it much. and I found a lot of them were not in it for the lon term just a summer activity. I have since dropped it to $39.00 for three weeks and a uniform with 50% off the registration fee if they sign up for the 6 month program before the end of the three weeks. I also am business partners with all the schhols in my area so I'm able to send out flyer with every child in my school district ( about 10,000 flyers went out). Hope that helps
We are running a summer program, 8 weeks of classes with a dobok for $199. If they sign up for ongoing classes, that is their down payment for their enrollment.
My school is offering June as family month so if I am training I can bring my family in for the month of June for free, it seems to be working...a lot of people have signed.
I have a friend that will buy a pizza for you from the pizzeria next door if you sign up for his $100 1 month trial program (free uniform included! :) ). He said it seems to be working. I believe he plans to rotate this offer with a 2 free movie tickets one.