After re-reading this entire thread I have a few choice comments I would like to make.
1st off I see this as what a school owner want to do, it does not matter if it is moralily right, ethnically right or even socially right. The question is is it legally right and the only people that can decide that is a court of LAW.
2nd most people here have said he should sue to get his money back, well that is solely up to each person. If he feels he should than do it and be done with it.
Now on to the good stuff Instructor school owners and organization have the right to run there business as they see fit. We as consumers have the right to change, stop or take legal action against any business. If most schools promote a person to black belt in two year and charge $100 for classes a month and $50 for belt testing and another say $500 for the black belt test, than that school makes $3300.00 for that BB plus whatever else they spend while there(privates, equipment, hot chocolate :erg

. If I take four years to promote someone and I charge the same than I am making an additional $2400 off said person, is that gauging them NO. This is my school and these are my requirement and the average person takes four years to get a BB from me. Maybe my requirement are higher than the other school, maybe I have more S.D. principle evolved than said school. Whatever the reason is it is my school and my rules. People and consumers have chocies to make and if they would take the time to investigate and do a little homework they would understand what they are getting into.
As far as Master Weiss he educate his people with a booklet that explains everything and what his requirements are for his black belt, people walk into it with the understanding of all his requirements. Whether you or anybody else likes it or not it is his school and he can do what he likes and is morally right in doing so because he has taken the time to educate his potential students.
TKD in general since the seventies, instructor of all sorts have not been providing certification to students, kinda like unethical schools that cannot get you your certificate. Sometime I wish TKD did not have such this bad reputation and could right all the wrong that is done out there in society, but than again we live in a world where crooks and undesirables rule far more than we think.