Suicidal ideations

But, on the other hand, I was working with this other guy who was struggling, but seemed at peace with things, then out of nowhere he OD'ed on pain killers. Fortunately he survived, but it took everybody by surprise, even people who had been talking to him 30 mins. before.


That's pretty textbook, actually. The earliest stages of recovery from a severe depression are actually the most risky when it comes to suicide. The person is still severely depressed, but their newfound strength gives them enough energy and focus to try something they might not have been able to before.
Yeah. It's that very mechanism that leads to higher incidents of sucidality after starting anti-depressants. It's got nothing to do directly with the meds so much as it has to do with the depression. However, the media can't help but sensationalize things.

In the end, a person has absulutely no conrol over the behaviors of another. We have differing levels of influence certainly...but if someone wants to do something badly enough...they'll do it.

It's not at all uncommon for a person who has been depressed and suicidal to appear happy and at peace shortly before they commit suicide. Quite simply, they see a way out, and there's no more stress.

Make sure he knows that there are people who care; at this remove, there's no real way to know why he's no longer stressing...
It's not at all uncommon for a person who has been depressed and suicidal to appear happy and at peace shortly before they commit suicide. Quite simply, they see a way out, and there's no more stress.

Make sure he knows that there are people who care; at this remove, there's no real way to know why he's no longer stressing...

The lady that he reached out to contacted him again, and let us know he's been hospitalized. I don't know if he's hurt, but he was healthy enough to manage a short phone conversation. Poor kid's got a long road ahead of him but at least for now he's alive and in a safe place.
It's peculiar to cheer over someone being hospitalized, but I'll risk being misunderstood and say it anyway:


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