Sudan Journalist Fined, Wore Pants in Public

Not at all. I don't take it personally if you write a post that seems to equate rude treatment by individuals with systematized violence by the state toward women. It may not have been your intent, but that's how it came out. But you know, you should really talk to some Muslim women about your desire to wear their clothing and the concerns you address here. I think they would be very open to the idea of you adopting their styles.
I used to wear a couple of close fitting knit caps with no brim that I really liked when I was going to community college. When I became friends with a couple of Muslim students they asked me if I was Muslim because the caps looked like kufis, which are pretty common for Muslim men to wear. Apparently the Muslim students had been talking about this white guy that nobody seemed to know that they thought was Muslim. When I told them I was wasn't Muslim and just wore a couple of caps I liked, we all got a nice laugh.
I think you've created a false dichotomy here Tez. Women's issues are human issues. If any one person or group "are very right to be concerned aobut the way" any group in treated, then all should be concerned. You've created a standard that women should uphold, but men....ehh, whatever. It's either a serious issue or it's not, because men may not see the issue as important or give it proper emphasis in no way means they shouldn't, and they shouldn't be given a pass on it for whatever reason. If you want there to be change in the way women are treated in the world, then you need to advocate for women and for men to institute change. If you don't expect much from men you won't get much.

It was more in answer to those posts of 'whatever, it's not America's problem'. of course all should be interested but you can see for yourself that many aren't as it doesn't concern them, I was trying to point out that at the very least women should be if not men. Of course everyone should but appealing to self interest sometimes works, sometimes not and people remain selfish all their lives.

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