
  • Thread starter Thread starter Koga-Shinobi
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I've been looking into starting a MA for a while now, at present my interests are on ninjitsu, jujitsu and Aikido.

How much different in Ninjitsu from Jujitsu, in terms of the styles/techniques tought? And secondly, how does jujitsu differ from its offspring, Aikido...seeing as they both focus on throws, locks, pins, submissions?

Im not to familar with Akido but i have
been to & done some Ju Jitsu & Ninjistu

I think both are verry good Martial Arts.
Not that Akido is not i just have not done it.

My sugeston is try them both if U can
& deside what is best for U:D
A style is the way you do your hair. Find a system that is not stuck on tradition.Good an well rounded.Try Americian KENPO..
Me personaly I am cosintrating on M.M.A.
I am 1 - 0 with a win at 2:50 in the first round
By inside heel hook I have practise many Martial Arts.

& found that U cant depend on 1
U must work to be well Rounded.

& not bound at all.
And My hair is done nicely

Always Ready
Ya your hair looks alot better then the Zack Morries look you trid to go for before lol.
About the stlyes I would say it depends on what you are looking for. First you have to decide what you want of the art. (fighting, kata, self defence, spiritiality, getting in shape)
My wife want's that look back.
She hate 's my Shamrock style side burns
& thinks i should be blond
Judo / Jujutsu / Ajw (American Jacket Wrestling) and wrestling, So i am pritty good at grappling,
ME to Submisson Wrestling
Ju Jitsu & Modern Arnis Ive also fought & won in MMA
:D :D :D
Good Stuff

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