'Stuff' My Kids Ruined...

Probably my favorite with my grandson doesn't require a photo. My wife is Korean, and my youngest daughter lived with us for some time after our grandson was born and she returned to the States. My wife likes to mix Korean words with English. Of course, most know the hunched shoulder and arm for elephant. We had a picture on the wall as well. In Korea elephant is pronounced something like ko-ki-ri.

Now comes potty training. As he sat there on the toilet with nothing better to do, he glanced down and with a triumphant smile, announced, Ko-ki-ri !!
When my son was 3, he had graduated from the sippy cup to a plain plastic cup. One day, SpongeBob looked thirsty, I guess, and Nicholas poured his milk down the front of the TV.
I unplugged it immediately, but, the damage was done. The acid (lactic?) in milk ate right through connections on the circuit board. :(
My son climbed onto the kitchen counter, up onto the fridge and pulled out the halloween candy from the cupboard over top during the night. We came downstairs in the morning to him passed out on the kitchen floor with chocolate everywhere, cheek pressed against the tile and drooling chocolatey mess on the floor. He was 18 months old.

He had to of climbed out of his crib and over the childsafety gates. Lesson learned? Small children can do chin ups and drag themselves up great heights for chocolate. Never underestimate them.
My son, at three, pulled the 27" TUBE TV off the stand, it landed on him from ankles to mid chest.
He didn't even bruise.