Originally posted by upnorthkyosa
We Shall See. Mr. Bush and the rest of his cronies are going to have a hell of a fight despite their millions in blood money.
And don't forget about Ashcroft's campaign financing shenanigans. Where's the uproar about that? Where's the official investigations and grand juries and all that that plagued every second of Clinton's presidency for alleged infractions that never even approached the seriousness of the crap that the current administration is getting away with? What ever happened to the issue where the Bush administration revealed the identity of that ambassador's undercover agent wife (Victoria Plame????). Isn't that a major crime? Why is Bush and his fellow conservatives exempt from any responsibility for their vicious and irresponsible behavior? Clinton was far from perfect but compared to Bush, he may as well have been an angel (not that I think he is. He's a politician after all). Bush, as far as I'm concerned, is a perfect example of the maxim: Those who seek power do not deserve it.