Stretching Routine with Yoga Poses?


Yellow Belt
I'm trying to figure out a good set of stretches using yoga poses. I sit all day at a computer and need to be flexible and able to stretch well before class.

We were told last week that we shouldn't really be doing downward bends as you're pulling on cold muscles, and briefly talked about static and dynamic flexibility - which led me to do research on line.

I'm going to ask the teacher what he recommends for poses or movements, but wondering if anyone else has any ideas that may be helpful?

Two websites I'm looking at are: and
I know many martial artists who have incorporated at least some yoga poses into their workout routine, including the warm up. The sun saluations and warrior poses are popular starting places.

I'd suggest you look into ashtanga yoga or "hatha flow yoga" if you want to learn more about this.

This video might also give you a few ideas:
This looks absolutely excellent! Thank you so much!!! :ultracool. I've looked her up on YouTube and she's got other videos as well that look good.

Loading this video on my BB and taking it to class Monday nite to show, see if we can incorporate this into the Kempo and TaiChi Chuan class for whomever wants to do it. Thanks again!!