Strange pet tricks...


Senior Master
Here's another pet thread, about our other family member. Here's the question:

Does your pet do anything different or funny, either you taught it or it just does?

I'll start with mine. If I look at my dog for a length of time, and start winking, she winks back. I never (obviously) taught her that, but there she goes. Another strange thing, she doesn't get intimidated by staring into her eyes, either. I thought dogs looked away when you did that. Anyways, that's my strange one for now. Anyone else?
lets see my cat will climb up your leg to reach your back when shes hungry, my dog will say mama when my mom comes home, and my fatest cat roly will keep people out of the bath tub (cus hes afraid of the water) and my old cat wont let anyone up stairs that she dont know
I used to have a cat that any time I brought home my date, if she doesn't like him, she would dash from the next room and attack his ankles. If she likes him, she will come up slowly and purr.

I guess she weeded out some guys for me. I've discovered two of my dates she hates were drug dealers... go figure. My dad used to kid me, "Make sure your boy friend is interviewed by the cat."

- Ceicei
not atypical but cute...

our cat had fleas. my wife bought her a collar and put it on her (demonstrating the phenomenal courage and skill of my martial artist wife).

for three days the cat would have nothing to do with her. if she meowed to be let in and i opened the door, in comes kitty. if my wife opened the door, she'd sit down with her back to it. kitty in my lap would leap up and run away if the wife entered the room.

she was, to put it mildly, annoyed.
While a high school student, I used to babysit for my English teacher's two kids (10 and 8 year old). The family had a cat and a dog that appeared confused about what they were. The dog eats cat food and the cat eats dog food. What's more, the cat begs at the table and the dog sleeps in the smaller bed (intended for the cat). I'm not sure if the family had taken the time to train their animals to act that way or if the animals developed their own preference.

- Ceicei
Our dog, now that it is winter and we've had a ton of rain this year, has to have her feet wiped before she comes in the house. It's been repeated so much this year that now she lifts each foot for you to wipe!!

We've had cats in the past that would fetch a small, homemade pipecleaner toy with a bell attached to the end.

Good thread and fun to read!! Thanks :)

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