Strange, never before asked question

Something I just thought about. If you have odor trapped in your dobok, you can get it out. Add a cup of ammonia to the wash. Trapped odor will just keep stinkin' and stinkin'.

(The name of the Rx is Drysol, not Hydrosol.)
Good question, I use an Axe spray or other kinds like that because the sticks and gels have residues that stain your uniforms.

I work at a university and there are protesters outside the buildings where they research these types of products. I suspect that they use animal fats and things like that in cosmetics, too.

lol, you don't want to know where those animal byproducts are used in.
I have been told certain food dyes, but I am not going to look it up.
And Brandonlucas thought it was odd when I told him I took a shower before class..

now he knows why.
And Brandonlucas thought it was odd when I told him I took a shower before class..

now he knows why.

Having been brought up on Carry On films that's only going to get taken the wrong way ....rofl
i like to rub used baby diapers into my armpits right before a workout. then during sparring, i try to grind my armpit into my opponent's face whenever possible. i've also braided the hair under my arms.

is this acceptable?


You know, I love tai otoshi. I plan to try this out!
Fresh sweat doesn't smell bad! it only smells when you don't shower!
The natural smell of peoples bodies is designed by nature to turn people on so masking it all the time with strong deodorants is really bad for you!

Just what kind of place do you train at, Tez?
Wear a black uniform.

Of course you say that, Kenpo fighter. Now we TKD stylists tend to prefer the more traditional lighter colors.

Please, no one laugh at me when I adapt his advice a little and show up in a full yellow dobak!
Just what kind of place do you train at, Tez?

An MMA club lol! I'm the only woman there. Loads of good honest sweat ( helps you roll out and makes it hard for your opponent to grab you!). It's fine as long as the bodies start off clean.
I do teach children and have an adults TSD class where we are 'posher' lol!
Sweating is actually good for you because it's releasing toxins. The smell is probably due to what you eat and drink. For example, eggs, most meats can give off a nasty smell. Vegetarians can smell meat off people so easily.
I suggest cut down on meats if you are eating too much of it, also diary, coffee can give an offending odor. Try trying more water but not near class since you might want to go to the washroom too many times.

My last suggest is taking a cold shower before and after class. This will help you body increase oxygen through the body and eliminate the toxins. Your skin will be healthier too and you might not stink as much. I usually do a cold water rinse everything I shower and I have noticed better skin and less smell in the arm pits.
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An MMA club lol! I'm the only woman there. Loads of good honest sweat ( helps you roll out and makes it hard for your opponent to grab you!). It's fine as long as the bodies start off clean.
I do teach children and have an adults TSD class where we are 'posher' lol!
The thing I hate though is when you have someone in your guard and they start dripping sweat in your face:barf:
The thing I hate though is when you have someone in your guard and they start dripping sweat in your face:barf:

True, the blood drips aren't too cool oh hang on that was me dripping the blood lol Got bopped on the nose.