Strange Behavior

I do a lot of pak sauing and hyun sauing at school, as well as PURPOSEFULLY walking into large crowds just so I can practice footwork by trying not to touch anyone and get through the crowd quickly as possible. Boy does that get me a few strange glances...
If I am in a crowd and someone walks right close beside me, I will sometimes find myself doing a universal block with out knowing it. Or if I play a game of softball I end up in a nice left neutral bow while batting.
I don't think people really consider it "strange," but I tend to address men as "sir." I figure it's a good thing. Never hurts to show people more respect in general.

Oh, yeah. Rooting is really helpfull if you find yourself in the middle of a mosh pit ;)
I'm not sure if this would be considered strange either, cause nobody notices ... but when I am in a public place, I will keep my back covered whenever possible. Example, at a party, I will stand with my back to a wall. I need to see everything. In a restaurant, I will sit at a position at the given table where I will have the best angle to observe as much as possible.
I'm not sure if this would be considered strange either, cause nobody notices ... but when I am in a public place, I will keep my back covered whenever possible. Example, at a party, I will stand with my back to a wall. I need to see everything. In a restaurant, I will sit at a position at the given table where I will have the best angle to observe as much as possible.

At a party with always your back at the wall will make your name very well know. I remember when I was a teenager that we pointed out those guys with the back against the wall the ones with no luck with girls....ooooh wait, I was one of those heehee.
I'm not sure if this would be considered strange either, cause nobody notices ... but when I am in a public place, I will keep my back covered whenever possible. Example, at a party, I will stand with my back to a wall. I need to see everything. In a restaurant, I will sit at a position at the given table where I will have the best angle to observe as much as possible.

Same here, It's totally instinctive now. Also, when I'm walking on the street and someone is behind me, I'll slow down, then speed up to see if they are following me.
I've only been involved with karate a few weeks now, but today I found myself doing stretches on the sidelines of my daughter's ice-skating class. I wanted to practice some kicks and punches, but I figured I'd look foolish, so I refrained until I got home.
Yes,today a co-worker walked up behind me on the left side of me while I was facing a workbench,I immediately went into a sideling stance and out of nowhere up came this bong-sau that made contact.Wow! He didn't have a clue,that was the funny part.Some times when I lose my balance or slip I will adduct,much to onlookers amazement.I once stepped into a hecklers on coming punch,rode the in coming force (Tan-sau/sun punch) and set him back about 5 ft.Like what was that?I'm afraid that someday I might Wing Chun my spouse in my sleep!
Today is apparently the day for it

Today there was almost no one in my office so while my lunch was heating up in the microwave I decided to do some Zhan Zhuang and of course that IS the time one of the video production guys picks to come into the office and IMMEDIATELY go to the break room where I am standing in Zhan Zhuang.

I told him I was in training to be a mannequin

BeepÂ….. Lunch was readyÂ… so I left
When I was working for a law firm in downtown Detroit (my 1st job after college), I had just started Balintawak Eskrima. So, I had a stick with me in my cubical. On lunch I would go to an empty hallway on one of the upper floors that wasn't heavily trafficed because it was a storage area and I would practice my fundamentals. It was nice in the summer because I would go down to the Renniassance park area where it was nice and sunny.

I actually got no strange looks at the park. Detroit has a bad rep for a good reason, but downtown in the business district and in that park is actually pretty nice, and highly culturally diverse. You had people playing speed chess and spades and dominoes, people playing insturments, people doing Tai Chi, and so on. So no one payed me any mind.

But when my bosses figured out what I was doing because they had to get something out of storage during my break, they pretty much thought I was psychotic. I, of course, found this hilarious.

Then there is always neighbors. When I was at an apartment when I 1st got married, we used to have "fight night" on Fridays. We would bang sticks and beat each other up on the grass area between apartments. Hilarious, and so much fun! Then we would go out to the bar after. I never got weird looks though, at least not too much. But that is because I ALWAYS make it a point to be very neighborly, and get to know my neighbors so that they are comfortable with me and prepared for my strangeness. My neighbors at the apartment were mostly hot chicks who always partied, and who always were inviting me into their apartment. I SWEAR they only did this to piss my wife off! lol! So they didn't care about what we did.

And today I have property so I am always doing something; bagwork, airsoft, whatever. My neighbors understand, though, so it is all good...
I'm not sure if this would be considered strange either, cause nobody notices ... but when I am in a public place, I will keep my back covered whenever possible. Example, at a party, I will stand with my back to a wall. I need to see everything. In a restaurant, I will sit at a position at the given table where I will have the best angle to observe as much as possible.

I thought I was the only one to do this, phew lol. I have to face the doors when I eat in a resturaunt, or I have to know where everyone is. My friends call in paranoia I call it prepared =]
1.) calf raises whenever I'm in a line.
2.) shake hands with R extened and L under my R elbow.
3.) Use Sir and Ma'am almost all the time.
Bowing and shaking hands supported. Everyone at work laughs at me when I walk into the conference room and bow as I come through the door.

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