Straightening fist - i need help


Green Belt
I decided to put a litlle more of myself in training.

How can i straightening my fists?

In few books i readed that first exercise must be hitting the rice, 20 minutes, every second day, for a month. Then move to sand, and then to very tiny stones. Then should move to boards etc. Results should be seen after two months.

Other sources say they should be visible after few years.

Then third sources say you must skip rice, sand, and small stones, and instead hitting concrete until you destroy you knuckles.

Then, some says that any of mentioned above will destroy wrist, because energy created with punch travels back to your body.

Some even says that kind of training can damage heart, because energy travels through all body?!?

I am really confused. What, when, and how should i practice? And, should i at all?
I'm assuming that you probably mean strengthening the fists , conditioning the knuckles for striking , that sort of thing.

Not a big fan of it to be honest , I think it would probably lead to deformation and other medical problems with your hands later in life.

You want to be keeping them nice and dexterous well into old age for things like maybe playing the piano , brain surgery or just using your computer keyboard without having to peck at the keys with one finger.

I just use the Wing Chun canvas wall bag and sometimes the heavy bag without gloves on , this gives me all the hand conditioning I need for those odd occasions when I have to rearrange someones face.

That being said , you have to make sure you are hitting face or body , stay away from the teeth and skull .
Or better still use a palm strike , its got a bit less reach , but its safer for the hand and more powerful than a punch because there is one less joint involved for power to be lost from.
If you are going to use concrete, I wouldn't attemt to use force. Just make reasonable contact. Start with your finger tips, move on to various knuckle joints. You really just want to toughen up a little, not damgage yourself with shock waves and fractures. I like hitting concrete; because, its good to know how hard you can hit a solid object before it hurts you.
I have always wanted to do the sand, rice, and gravel training, but I never seem to get around to it. Concrete and trees are every where; add a little boredom and you are training.
For most people doing knuckle pushups and occasionally hitting the heavy bag will strengthen your wrists and fists enough.

If you`re going to do any serious hand conditioning YOU NEED TO USE MEDICINE AND YOU NEED AN EXPERIENCED TEACHER or you`ll end up injuring yourself permanently. By the time he was an old man Mas Oyama could hardly hold a pen or pull a blanket around himself in bed. Hand conditioning is a slow slow process and shouldn`t cause injury to yourself.

Google Dale Douglas at coiling Dragon. He can help you
I agree with MJM.

As a Wing Chun practitioner I also use a canvas wall bag. I have a 3 section bag although only 2 of them would usually be filled. The top bag representing the head I use lentals / split peas, and for the centre being the body I use a fine grain sand to replicate the density.

Then, some says that any of mentioned above will destroy wrist, because energy created with punch travels back to your body.

As soon as your hit lands you should relax your arm, this keeps all the energy generated in the target as it doesnt have time to return. Some energy will rebound though this does happen but doing Wing Chun we direct this to the floor with our stance.

Hope that helps.
Well then i wan't work on straightening fists in the way i planed. I will just do push ups on knuckles, or sometimes hit a heavy boxing bag with barefists.

Yes, we all feel cool when hiting the rice or sand, but seems like doing it without proper medical supervision, is dangerous.

After all, i don't train martial arts to be hurted. And especialy not to be hurted by myself.
Well then i wan't work on straightening fists in the way i planed. I will just do push ups on knuckles, or sometimes hit a heavy boxing bag with barefists.

Good idea

Yes, we all feel cool when hiting the rice or sand, but seems like doing it without proper medical supervision, is dangerous.

Also a good idea, I do not recommend this type of training without a qualified teacher

After all, i don't train martial arts to be hurted. And especialy not to be hurted by myself.

Again a good idea
Yes, we all feel cool when hiting the rice or sand, but seems like doing it without proper medical supervision, is dangerous.

After all, i don't train martial arts to be hurted. And especialy not to be hurted by myself.

It should be self-evident that virtually every type of martial arts training should be conducted under the supervision of a qualified instructor. If you don't have someone to show you how to properly condition your hands and wrists, it's not something you should attempt to do on your own, and certainly not from some information you read on the internet.

The information here (and I have posted a few times about hand conditioning if you want to search the archives) should serve only as a guide about what CAN be possible and what is being practiced by some others. You still need someone to physically show you what to do and to make corrections for you.
I decided to put a litlle more of myself in training.

How can i straightening my fists?

In few books i readed that first exercise must be hitting the rice, 20 minutes, every second day, for a month. Then move to sand, and then to very tiny stones. Then should move to boards etc. Results should be seen after two months.

Other sources say they should be visible after few years.

Then third sources say you must skip rice, sand, and small stones, and instead hitting concrete until you destroy you knuckles.

Then, some says that any of mentioned above will destroy wrist, because energy created with punch travels back to your body.

Some even says that kind of training can damage heart, because energy travels through all body?!?

I am really confused. What, when, and how should i practice? And, should i at all?

IMHO, I would seek out someone to show you the proper ways to doing this. Attempting to learn from a book, tape/dvd or other sources, is risky.
Well then i wan't work on straightening fists in the way i planed. I will just do push ups on knuckles, or sometimes hit a heavy boxing bag with barefists.

Yes, we all feel cool when hiting the rice or sand, but seems like doing it without proper medical supervision, is dangerous.

After all, i don't train martial arts to be hurted. And especialy not to be hurted by myself.

Excellent post!

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