Storm Trooper Smash

Clark Kent

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Storm Trooper Smash
By MACaver - 07-26-2008 10:15 PM
Originally Posted at: Dead Parrot Tavern


You're watching this and then you get a nice closeup of the guy's collection. If you know anything about collectibles then you can probably put a fair estimate on the value of the entire collection and of individual pieces.
Apparently this guy's fiancee doesn't know SQUAT about value and how collectibles increase with value over time the rarer they get. Particularly exquisite pieces like the one they're about to smash to pieces ... why? All because he asked her to marry him but he didn't have money for a ring... but she sees the ring money in the collection case.
You'll wince, you'll cringe and you'll probably scream STOP YOU STUPID *****!! But it goes on and on.

Thinking of how (if I were him and I got home from Vegas) to best let her know what she had done.
Probably find verifiable quotable prices and estimated auction values... let it sink in and hint to her how much they'd be worth by the time our (would be) child goes to college.
Then quietly and politely tell her the engagement is off and to get out of the house before I kill her.

.... she'd have 10 seconds.


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