Stongest Sword Steel aganist bullets



Is there a sword steel strong enough that could stop bullets from peircing through. Like if someone shoots someone and the bullet hits the the sword and falls to the floor and stop.
Cobra said:
Is there a sword steel strong enough that could stop bullets from peircing through. Like if someone shoots someone and the bullet hits the the sword and falls to the floor and stop.
Are you feeling OK?
Touch'O'Death said:
Are you feeling OK?
What ever do you mean? What is so bad about this question? I've heard in the past of stories of katanas stopping primitive bullets. Why do you think it is wrong to ask a question like that? There might be one steel, it doesn't mean I will go try it out!
Cobra said:
What ever do you mean? What is so bad about this question? I've heard in the past of stories of katanas stopping primitive bullets. Why do you think it is wrong to ask a question like that? There might be one steel, it doesn't mean I will go try it out!
Its just that I read your question as th e bullet hitting and then dropping harmlessly to the ground. Its going to bounce off or deflect. There are very slow rounds with no metal jacket that will sort of splat, but that is a round specific phenominon.
There are quite a few cases in the Moro Insurrections where Krag bullets were hitting barongs. The cases vary but there are examples of the bullet piercing or of the bullet becoming inbedded in the blade. You can still occationally find these blades on the ebay auctions with the obvious marks from the bullets. In all the reported cases I've ever heard of though the logical thing happens, the impact transfers the energy traveling with the bullet into the blade and the blade flies. This by the way isn't because the warriors were so good that they could block bullets with their blades, it was because they were getting shot at with so many bullets that a blade like a barong which is quite wide had a good chance of just being in the way no matter where it was held. Older American guns used slow large bullets like the .45ACP that most thick steel of any grade could stop from peircing, but the impact would be intolerable. The European 9mm is a smaller very fast bullet with great peircing ability that would prpbly pass through most steels. The 10mm was actually designed to pass through things like car doors and thin walls.
If I remember correctly, it was the Moro Insurrection that pushed the .45 into commission. The .38 that was in use during the conflict wasn't strong enough to stop the drug induced fury of the tribesmen so a heavier round was put into service. As for the blade stopping the bullet I'd think that the temper of the blade would have a great deal to do with the reaction of the blade/bullet meeting. Temper too soft and the round imbeds, temper to hard and the blade shatters. Either way I don't know that I would be able to hold onto a blade that had just been hit. The force of the round would most probably knock the blade flying.
theletch1 said:
If I remember correctly, it was the Moro Insurrection that pushed the .45 into commission. The .38 that was in use during the conflict wasn't strong enough to stop the drug induced fury of the tribesmen so a heavier round was put into service. As for the blade stopping the bullet I'd think that the temper of the blade would have a great deal to do with the reaction of the blade/bullet meeting. Temper too soft and the round imbeds, temper to hard and the blade shatters. Either way I don't know that I would be able to hold onto a blade that had just been hit. The force of the round would most probably knock the blade flying.

There are still debates raging for and against the moro/.45 connection. The dates for the adoption of the .45 cal add up, but there is information that says the .45 cal was produced and trialed well before the Moro Wars. Either way, the ability of the Colt .45 ACP semi-auto 1911 to stop a juramentado that was running amok was fairly well documented.

Tempering of the blade would make a great deal of difference but just in if the bullet would peirce the blade or just dent/indent witinin. Steel at any ambient temperature won't shatter, just crack, bend or break.

***Edit - the .45 cal. cartridge was produced and in use well before the Moro Wars ususally in a revolver design that many saw as obsolete, but the M1911 design and readoption of the .45 cal. cartridge was a direct result of the Philippines conflicts. Ironicly the actual gun (M1911) wasn't approved to be used until 1911 when the scirmishes in the Philippines were already dying out.
I do know there was navy seal in the mog(BHD) who took a round from an AK thru the door of the hummer he was in then into thigh...only to be stopped by the blade of his Randall....but I believe that is something RARE and even Randall doesn't recommend trying it at home!
They even turned him down as a spokesperson so people wouldn't get the wrong idea....
It didn't penetrate....but you could see the imprint of that Randall for a LOOONG time!
How much power did the round lose as it tore through the door of the hummer? If any of you get proficient enough with a knife to begin parrying bullets with it let me know and I'll come train with ya. :uhyeah:
theletch1 said:
How much power did the round lose as it tore through the door of the hummer? If any of you get proficient enough with a knife to begin parrying bullets with it let me know and I'll come train with ya. :uhyeah:

I am the Last Dragon. I possess the power of the Golden Glow. I don't need a knife for parrying, that's white belt stuff, I just catch them with my teeth. :uhyeah:
OULobo said:
I am the Last Dragon. I possess the power of the Golden Glow. I don't need a knife for parrying, that's white belt stuff, I just catch them with my teeth. :uhyeah:
Sooooo, how do you train for something like that? Start off with a pellet and move up to a .22 and then all the way up to .50? :uhyeah:
theletch1 said:
Sooooo, how do you train for something like that? Start off with a pellet and move up to a .22 and then all the way up to .50? :uhyeah:

Exactly! currently I am mastering the art of playing hacky-sack with morter shells. It is grueling practice.
OULobo said:
Exactly! currently I am mastering the art of playing hacky-sack with morter shells. It is grueling practice.
Wow!! That sounds like a real "blast". What's next? Land mines as whoopi cushions? :uhyeah: ((sorry for hijacking the thread folks but the silliness was much needed this week))
theletch1 said:
Wow!! That sounds like a real "blast". What's next? Land mines as whoopi cushions? :uhyeah: ((sorry for hijacking the thread folks but the silliness was much needed this week))

No kidding. have you seen the craziness happening over on the Balintawak thread. Ick. BTW I like the new avatar, what is it?
The new avatar is the head of a dragon that I found on a site called (I believe) Here be dragons They had some great dragon pics as well as links to some good fantasy art. If it wasn't on this site it was on a link from this site.
instead of asking why you need to know probbably titanium steel aloy...hmm you'd need a pretty thick sword and not to mention wide just ask if you wanna know more... ;)
Actually I don't remember where I saw this but some people at some college actually took a .22 (i think) and shoot it at a navy seals knife straight at the sharp part. The bullet split in to and well its kind of hard to explain but it looks really cool.
I wish I could remember where I saw those pics. I'll look around and see if I can find where it is.
But then again thats not really a likely situation

This wouldn't happen to be pertaining to the thought of "takin a knife to a gunfight" would it?!.......................:rofl:
Taking a knife to a gun fight works really well. THat is of course if its a true gun fight as in you fight with guns not guns and bullets.