Still voting for Obama?

No, $500,000 was what he dropped at Tiffany's on a shopping spree. He earned $1,600,000 promoting Fannie Mae on the hill.
Fixed that for you...
Yup. That evil mean man EARNED money, what a bastard.Then, that old meany SPENT the money he EARNED, how evil can you get?
Despite Obama's "Ban" of Lobbyists in his administration, he sure employs a lot of them, and has from day ONE...
Obama, in 4 years has outspent the irredeemably "evil" George W Bush on White House State Dinners, and Bush was in office for EIGHT years...
To any reasonable person, frivolous spending of money you EARNED is less wrong than frivolous spending of TAXPAYER'S money.
Sure, you can dislike what Newt a private citizen...but barney frank, chris dodd and meeks, protected fannie mae and freddie mac as public servants. Let's look into their connections to these organizations since it was their job to supervise these guys and keep the meltdown from happening. It is typical that these democrats get credit for getting people who couldn't afford their homes into the homes by pressuring banks, through the threat of lawsuits and interference with their business operations, and then when the people who couldn't afford their homes loose their homes...because they couldn't afford them...these same democrats get credit for condemning republicans for the problem the democrats created. This is another magic trick the democrats keep doing.
Sure, you can dislike what Newt a private citizen...but barney frank, chris dodd and meeks, protected fannie mae and freddie mac as public servants. Let's look into their connections to these organizations since it was their job to supervise these guys and keep the meltdown from happening. It is typical that these democrats get credit for getting people who couldn't afford their homes into the homes by pressuring banks, through the threat of lawsuits and interference with their business operations, and then when the people who couldn't afford their homes loose their homes...because they couldn't afford them...these same democrats get credit for condemning republicans for the problem the democrats created. This is another magic trick the democrats keep doing.

Well it would seem there is at least some common groundfor discussion hear however did the banks, wall street and insurance companiesdo all this because they were intimidated by barney frank chris dodd and meeksor did were they motivated by greed from huge fees and betting against theactual investments basically playing both sides and grabbing all the realestate back posting new huge profits and paying millions in commissions onceagain to brokers from TARP money? The banks are still holding Trillions in cashthat could stimulate small business and jobs but refuse for many reasons. thetop 10 % in the last 4 years has had their overall wealth increase by 17% whilethe middle income population lost up to 70% of their total net worth in 2007/8.

Bill I would like to see you start a thread on True the Vote that has beenorganized as a volunteer voter observers of 1 million people? but in fact wantsto by challenges at polling places will interfere and clog up voting in anattempt to challenge the outcome of the race??


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