Stepping it up


Senior Master
Last night was my first night in a more advanced class at our school. Sometimes it's more advanced mentally, sometimes just more intense physically. Last night was physical.

We started out with roundhouse kicks wearing resistance bands. The bands were various resistances and we moved around, two minutes per band per leg (four bands in all, plus front-side speed roundhouse kicks against a heavy bag for a total of five stations).

Then we moved on to the bags. Muy Thai bags on the holder's arms out to do high, double round house kicks. 2-2 minutes sets on each leg.

Then it got brutal, 20 seconds of Muy Thai style round kicks against a mop handle, per leg. Ugh that hurt. Then we paired up and kicked each others shins

A satisfying, if somewhat painful, evening. I was joined in the new class by my 13 yo son (Daniel) and 12 yo daughter (Jessica). It was intense for them but they stepped it up
I'm glad to hear that you're having fun in Hybrid Hapkido,Jay. :)

I have to say that the idea of wearing (?) resistance bands (neveh hoyd of 'em) and kicking mop handles and shins leaves me wondering "Why?" Maybe I'm out of the loop.:idunno: *goes to look up "resistance bands"*

We do get our share of abuse by using Circle Heel,Scoop,and Curve kicks against the knees and shins,'s just that we use them during our technique practice but we never intentionally use shin on shin,other than the occasional slip-up..OUCH!
The resistance band is just a *big* rubber band that you can use to pull against. In this case we attached one end to the wall at floor level and the other end attached to your ankle so when you kick, you are kicking against the back pull, the tension, of the band. So twominutes of kickng wearing the band is a lot harder than kicking the air or even a heavy bag.

The shin kicking against the rod and each other was short, but painful, and was to get us used to the fact that when you kick someone and they block with the elbow or their own shin, it's going to hurt...