somebody slapped me because I did not say hello.....
here is a short discription of who I am.... sorry
Johan D'hondt
gmunoz of
Central Valley To-Shin Do on the carolinabujindo forum asked me this
Johan, if you don't mind me asking. Do you train with a training group in Belgium? Is there a Quest dojo there? I notice that your videos have another guy in a To-Shin Do doji. Does he train as well? Do you have any previous martial art experience?
I started training at the end of 1990 when I turned 18 years old, before that age, my parents did'nt allow me to do martial arts.....because that was something they judged "to violent". it was NO for almost anything....but they would let me do JUDO, but I did not want to do Judo....I felt Judo was to restrictif for self defense....
in my small town there was a new dojo, there were some guy's dressed in black that teached "Ninjutsu, the art of the ninja", so I said to my parents... LET me do THAT....(without knowing exactly what "that" was myself).
I trained in that dojo for a couple of months, then the dojo closed for different raisons....luckely, from time to time, a guest teacher came to that dojo (Johan F. Declercq, nidan). When the dojo closed, he proposed me to come at his house for training, wich I did for about 2 years, every weekend (I had to take the train to go there). After that, he left for the USA, he now lives in Tuscon. At that time, we already followed the "Stephen K. Hayes Kasumi An training program", I earned a 6th kyu on februari 10, 1996, when I travelled to Germany to take my test with Andrea Rees (she used to train with An-Shu Hayes). I also came to the USA during the 90's when training was still in the barn dojo in Germantown, Ohio (I did dignitary protection seminar in 1992 and Warrior Quest Level 5 seminar in 1994). On other occassions I met/trained with An-Shu Hayes during several Mikkyo seminars given in Germany. I also trained with Brin Morgan, Hans Hesselman, Jean Debets, J.P.Seibel, Court Elliot,...
In 1998, I started my own bussiness, so, a lot of time and money went there to get me going, after a few years, my shop started doing really well (I was rewarded "
best shop in belgium" by a French specialised magazine in 2003), I kept training with a friend of mine during most of that time, but he now has serious back problems as a result of a traffic accident.
in 2005, I trained with An-Shu in Germany and in 2006 in the UK
The other person (Andy Migneau) you see in the video wearing a To-Shin Do family crest, is my Training Buddy in the Black belt long distance program.
He has a small
self-defense training group, based on ninjutsu, he was looking for valuable material for self-defense... a mutual friend introduced us, and we started training the dvd material...
No, there is no quest dojo in belgium, no there is no training group in belgium, no there is no training group in france...........(so far)
I started to train with 2 new people since the end of november 2006 on the to-shin do material, I hope that they will become "official" long distance student very soon....
I hope that
my website will interest even more people into becoming Practioners of To-Shin Do, and one day, get the movement started on the continent....
does that answer some of your questions?