Static vs Latent Stretching


Purple Belt
Static stretching being the bouncy kind and latent being the relaxing and holding kind.

Witch is better for you, I have heard plenty of talk about how it is easy to pull a muscle when static stretching because of the pull and release, especially if you aren't warmed up. I recently read an article in a magazine that stated that latent stretching camn slow you down when kicking. I suppose that makes some sense, but I am sure that latent makes you more flexible quicker. So which is better? and does is this information all good information?

I currently use latent stretching to start out then finish off with some static stretching, since I am already stretched and warm, I have less risk of pulling anything, but is my latent stretching slowing me down?

It's a bit confusing:idunno:
Hello, You may want to get the book on "Core Training". It has some great information regarding stretching.

Today with so many new studies and theories on this topic, it is hard to decide which one is the right one? Different part of the body muscle is stretch and when you kick different muscles are use. We all have some form of fast and slow muscles each has a purpose in us.

Why where the Russians and East Germans so successful in the"Olympics" in the past? and the American way of training there athlete's not so successful?

Simple? We were doing it the wrong way, base on old thoughts. So be aware of the thinking - static and latent stretching? Read and seek as many books and studies on this (the latest stuffs).

One of our Instuctors is a Trainer and use the "the Core training" in his (Kempo class). At the end of three months everyone could kick higher,had more endurance, more flexable, more energy, and more movement in their bodies from the younger to the older students. This is just one of the many new things that is available to all of us. ..............Aloha
theres a good book you should check out called beyond stretching, its based on the russian system
I thought ballistic was the bouncy kind and static is the hold in the stretch kind. TW
I always try to do a good warmup prior to my stretching. As for the bouncing...I've always heard that its not good to bounce. Holding the stretch for a min. then alternating sides always gave me good results.

I'm with MJS, bouncing is not a good idea while stretching.
While I'm at it I'll agree with TW as well regarding the terminology. I would think
latent and static mean the same thing....
Pick one of the reference books mentioned, until then stretch only after the muscles are warmed up and don't bounce.
TigerWoman said:
I thought ballistic was the bouncy kind and static is the hold in the stretch kind. TW
you're right. I wrote this when I was tired, and didn't take the time to correct myself.
I read the first few pages of beyond stretching. There are some radical ideas in there, but it makes since. the only thing that bugs me about it is how he rags on western science so much, even if it is true, it doesn't need to be the second focuse of the book.