Senior Master
I was reading through and didn't really see anything addressing this issue about the election either.
Michigan and Florida decided that they wanted to move THEIR primary up from when it was scheduled.
The RNC did not have an issue with this and proceded as MI/FL had planned.
The DNC had a BIG issue telling the states that they couldn't say when their primary was and the candidates signed statements saying that the primaries meant nothing and refused to campaign in those states. In Michigan, all but Hillary took their name off the ballot to show their protest, but Florida kept the candidates names on theirs.
Now, that the race was so tight, those delegates became VERY important. But, the DNC wanted the states to hold a new vote and the state would have to pay for it.
My question, why should a political party get to dictate what a state does or does not do? Shouldn't the states have the right to chose and schedule when they feel the primary should be held?
Michigan and Florida decided that they wanted to move THEIR primary up from when it was scheduled.
The RNC did not have an issue with this and proceded as MI/FL had planned.
The DNC had a BIG issue telling the states that they couldn't say when their primary was and the candidates signed statements saying that the primaries meant nothing and refused to campaign in those states. In Michigan, all but Hillary took their name off the ballot to show their protest, but Florida kept the candidates names on theirs.
Now, that the race was so tight, those delegates became VERY important. But, the DNC wanted the states to hold a new vote and the state would have to pay for it.
My question, why should a political party get to dictate what a state does or does not do? Shouldn't the states have the right to chose and schedule when they feel the primary should be held?