Starting Your Own School

If i was training under my instructor and was teaching as well I would continue to do so IF we could BOTH benefit from the situation. I wouldn't necessarily have to get paid from him, but there are other ways of compensation as well. For one I shouldn't have to pay him to train if I am helping do his job for him. So if I could get my training for free, or a very good discount, then i would continue to train and teach at his studio. I don't see why the situation couldn't be a mutual advantage for the both of us. He would have a bit of spare time to do other things, and I would be teaching for him and still learning.
However, if it was that BIG of a passion that I continue to Teach and he and I couldn't agree on something, then I would and attempt to open my own place if possible, or at the very least teach a handful of people at my home or something of the sort.
With or without his permission (call me a rebel, or whatever else you want but if something can't be worked out, then my instructor and I probably aren't getting along anyway and can't agree).
I don't believe it is being ungrateful for the time and effort he HAS given me, but at those times I, being a good student, should have paid him back somehow if at all possible. So we should be even at that point.

If I did get a place opened and some of his students came to my place, I WOULD turn them away IF They owed him money. I would seriously Inquire WHY they left and make sure that is a decision they really wanted to make. After all HE probably has alot more knowledge than me. But if they REALLY wanted to stay, I would welcome them.
But there would be times, I am sure, where a student may not like my teaching and how I am running things (and i may not like somethings about him too) so I may send him to my old instructor, and they may hit it off nicely. Even though i may be in "competition" for the business, It can still be a situation that is beneficial to both parties.

I will step down now off of my :soapbox:

Have a great day!

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